Like J.R.R. Tolkien’s mythical Mordor, the city of Washington, D.C. booms in prosperity as it gathers the last vestiges of dying America’s wealth to itself. State and federal government policies have locked down the entire country, with millions forced into unemployment. At least 30% of American home owners missed mortgage payments last month. Renters are …
Category: “income inequality”
Jan 30
Mexico suffers its first economic contraction in a decade after voting for socialist president
Like most countries, Mexico has a vibrant, hard-working population but is cursed by a massive, intrusive, and expansive government. Now, two years after Mexicans voted for a socialist president, the Mexican people are suffering their first economic contraction in ten years. See here.
Dec 29
An average worker pays $216,000 into Social Security and receives about $300,000 after retirement. This is a 1 % return on investment.
Learn Liberty calculated average likely “returns on investment” upon retirement from Social Security. The Social Security program was launched by the U.S. government during the 1930s with millions of dollars of pro-government propaganda. (Criticism of the program within the federal government was censored.) During the 1980s, Harvard economist Martin Feldstein found that Social Security DECREASED …
Nov 17
Income inequality decreases in free markets, increases under government regulations
Income inequality is proclaimed to be a major issue for government trusters everywhere. In the U.S., presidential candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders argue for even greater government regulations and taxes to fight income inequality. But the data show that U.S. income taxation already places burdens on the highest income earners which are greater …
Oct 27
Mainstream media conceals the primary cause of the deadly Chilean riots: carbon taxes
This week saw major stories in many newspapers about the growth of protests and riots throughout the world. The Guardian published a detailed expose’ of protests in Hong Kong, Paris, Chile, Iraq, Ecuador and elsewhere which suggested the root cause of all these protests was young populations angry about “income inequality.” Reuters published a detailed …
Apr 25
Tens of thousands flee socialist New York, New Jersey and Connecticut
Almost half of one percent of New York’s most productive people–about 40,000 individuals–fled the Empire State last year due to the State’s heavy taxes and regulations. High-tax neighbors Connecticut and New Jersey have also seen their residents flee. Many move to lower-tax states such as Florida, Texas and Nevada. Many are also climate refugees seeking …
Dec 27
Starving Venezuelans now digging up graves of past capitalism seeking riches
Just 25 years ago, Venezuela was the richest and healthiest society in all of Latin America. Then the people of Venezuela voted for socialism. Now they struggle for daily survival. Former doctors, lawyers, and even children now walk the streets as prostitutes. Men die in knife fights over dollar bills while standing in food lines. …
Dec 14
Nearly 156 people flee socialist Chicago EVERY DAY
Bloomberg has analyzed 20017 Census data and found that the top 3 highest-taxing cities–New York City, Las Angeles and Chicago–EACH lose over 100 people each day who migrate to other states. High-tax Chicago loses nearly 156 people each day. These economic refugees are fleeing to lower-tax, lower-regulation states such as Texas, Arizona, Florida and Nevada. …
Nov 03
Another fake study: billionaires secretly promote libertarianism
America’s government-supporting colleges and universities spew a steady stream of pro-government academic “research.” Recent revelations show that it is ridiculously easy to get fake “scientific” studies published in government-supported peer reviewed scholarly journals–so long as the studies support government expansion and intervention. Now a trio of government-trusting academics have produced a “study” purporting to show …
Oct 19
Richest 1,409 taxpayers pay more tax than bottom 70 MILLION
A dominant narrative among socialists, progressives and sociology departments everywhere is that capitalists and the rich are controlling American ‘policy.’ Yet tax receipts tell the opposite story. The poorest 50 percent of Americans barely pay any income tax, while the richest few are forced to pay a majority of all federal income taxes. See here.