Political observer Michael Barone watched the recent Democratic debate very closely. His conclusions are here. The Democrats vying for President talked a great deal about “income inequality,” but offered few solutions to this alleged problem. A constant theme among current Democrats (and government trusters generally) is that “the rich” must be taxed more; and their …
Category: burdensome taxes
Oct 15
Vast Billions Appear to be Missing From “Affordable Care Act” Treasuries
It is not unusual for government programs with immense budgets to “lose” large amounts of money. Government agents are known to siphon off money for use on fine dining, fancy hotels, payoffs and kickbacks and the occasional new deck or swimming pool in the back yard. But according to Mytheos Holt (see here), several BILLION …
Oct 09
Average federal “worker” is compensated almost $120,000 annually
The USA Today reported in 2011 that statistically, federal employees are more likely to die than to be fired or laid off. The federal government fires only about one-half of one percent of its workers annually–compared to the the private sector, which fires about 3% of workers annually. “White-collar federal workers,” the USA Today reported, …
Oct 06
Medicare’s promoters in 1965 promised the program would cut medical costs
When Medicare was enacted in 1965, Congress projected its costs into the future, and estimated that it would cost $3 billion dollars by 1990. Actual cost in 1990 was $98 billion. Today the program costs taxpayers more than $500 billion annually. Government officials consistently underestimate entitlement costs, refusing to recognize that medical entitlements artificially increase …
Sep 29
People continue fleeing totalitarian states
The history of humanity is a history of people wanting to control their neighbors through government–and of their neighbors (and ultimately, themselves) fleeing the governmental environments they created for freer shores. England, for example, was widely known to be freer than continental Europe throughout the past thousand years. Vagabonds, exiles and wandering gypsies from throughout …
Sep 24
EPA spends millions on high-end luxury office furnishings
by Roger Roots All of us know that government officials love to pad their government temples of power with gleaming marble, oak and precious metals. I remember the first time I ever argued a case at the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis. Upon first seeing the government building, I almost vomited …
Sep 22
The Government One-Percenters: Average New York School Custodian is Paid More than $100,000 Annually
Government trusters seeking to further socialize America, to raise taxes even further, to abolish (private-sector) money in politics, and further empower government must conceal certain discomforting facts. Government workers are paid at least one-and-one-half-times what private workers are paid for the same work. (In fact, careful analysis which factors in vacation time and benefits shows …
Sep 19
Federal workers report highest rates of job satisfaction
Statistically, a federal employee is more likely to die than to quit. They are so pampered with lavish pay and benefits that they report substantially higher levels of job satisfaction than do workers in the private sector. A new Gallup poll finds that 82 percent of government workers are fully satisfied with their retirement plans …
Sep 15
Illinois: a failed state
Writer and economist Stephen Moore, a native Illinoisan, writes that: * Nearly one of three state tax dollars in Illinois now goes to paying pensions for retired municipal and state employees. * The Illinois government recently announced that its treasury had insufficient funds to pay off the State’s lottery winners. * Illinois was the home …
Sep 14
The U.S.–once a low-tax haven–now causes many to renounce U.S. citizenship over taxes
CNBC reports on the relatively new phenomenon of tax exiles who flee America’s current high tax rates. The U.S. currently has the world’s highest corporate tax rates and substantially higher-than-average personal income taxes. See our earlier report here. See the CNBC story here. The urge to renounce U.S. citizenship is increasingly strong among high-earners who …