Author's posts

White House and Capitol Hill are blocking access to The Gateway Pundit website

The Gateway Pundit online newspaper is the lead plaintiff in the Missouri-Louisiana v. Biden lawsuit on government censorship of speech in America today. The lawsuit is expected to reach the US Supreme Court early next year. (Both the district court and the 5th Circuit have held that the case exhibits the greatest episode of mass censorship by …

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2023 Wildfire Burn Acreage is the Lowest of the Century

US Wildfire burn acreage is the lowest of the Century. And 12 lowest in the past century. See here.

Polls show young people have been duped regarding Kennedy assassination.

Newsweek. Nov. 22, 2023: “Generation Z Americans are significantly more likely to believe Lee Harvey Oswald was solely responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy than their older compatriots, according to a new poll conducted exclusively for Newsweek.” This shows the power of government supported, government supporting, mainstream news and history. Just as those …

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US Postal Service Again Loses Billions

Washington, DC. November 2023. Once again, the US Postal Service is reporting massive losses. The Service lost $6.5 billion in the past year. See here. The Postal Service enjoys every possible advantage in the market. It pays no property, income, or corporate taxes. It owns and occupies some of the world’s most valuable and strategic …

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New York’s Socialist Governor Now Moves for Government Control over Social Media

Global elites are rapidly moving to control, monitor and censor all social media, using the horrors of government. Now the governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, has announced an intensification of government surveillance on Americans speech and criticism. Governor Hochul’s administration is directing an additional $2.5 million to the New York State Police for expanding …

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Republican Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley Calls for Total Government Control over Social Media Posting.

GOP presidential hopeful and deepstate darling Nikki Haley recently pronounced her intention to force every social media user to identify himself by government approved name, to force every media company to hand over their “algorithms,” and to have the government constantly monitoring social media. Haley is widely assumed to be the favorite of globalist elites …

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Public School “science” textbooks have largely removed discussion of the Scientific Method.

A scientist in North Carolina recently realized that the “science” textbooks and lesson plans given to North Carolina’s public school students had largely erased discussion of the scientific method. The scientific method–which emphasizes skepticism over certainty, and questions over conclusions–is the bedrock of scientific discovery. Yet since 2012, North Carolina’s schoolbooks have embraced “consensus” over …

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Does Government have the consent of the governed?

Polling finds fewer Americans support basic freedoms.

Charlottesville, VA. October 2023. Now that “the left” (code for government and pro-government forces) is in control of all American institutions, the electorate has become more divided than ever. A recent University of Virginia Center for Politics survey finds that “Partisan Desires Override Support for Constitutional Freedoms and American Values.” “Roughly half (52% Biden voters, …

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1.4 million Americans fled socialist California and New York in a single year.

New data from the U.S. Census shows that around 820,000 people moved out of California and 550,000 out of New York in 2022. They join more than 8 million Americans who moved states in 2022. High taxes and regulations are forcing productive people to flee: four in ten Californians and and three in ten New Yorkers say they’re considering moving out …

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