Author's posts

The number of journalists imprisoned for their work is now at an all-time high

Startling new report from the Committee to Protect Journalists. As of December 1, 2017, 262 journalists were behind bars around the world in relation to their work, a new record after a historical high of 259 last year. Many of these jailed journalists are in China, Turkey, and Egypt. But the western world is partially …

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Florida health insurance premiums increase an average of 45 percent

Government slave-plantation healthcare programs–which generally increase demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise–continue to make health care LESS affordable. If the free market were unleashed on health care, Americans would be the healthiest people on earth, and medical products and services would quickly fall in price while improving in quality. Instead, life expectancy in …

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The Struggle for Freedom: Lectures in Downtown Las Vegas Dec. 16

Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017 4:00 p.m. at the Asian Culture Center, 333 S. 6th St., Las Vegas, NV SPEAKERS INCLUDE: John Lamb, investigative journalist and professor, “What We’ve Learned from the Bundy Trials” Michael Elliott, freedom thinker and activist, “Crypto Currencies and what they Mean for Freedom” (special lecture in honor of Daniel Shaver)” Lou …

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Hundreds of thousands flee socialist Venezuela, to start over with nothing.

Socialism is a curse that one should wish only on a hated enemy. Governments invariably promise cradle-to-grave safety, support and security but deliver only violence, misery and impoverishment. Yesterday’s New York Times detailed how Venezuelans in need of medicine must suffer early deaths or flee to other countries for survival. They were promised government (‘single …

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While the people live in shacks, government employees live in Mansions: the 5 richest counties in the U.S. are now the counties surrounding Washington, D.C.

Today, the world’s richest 1 % own more than the bottom 90 %. See here. While Americans increasingly live in shacks and mobile homes and struggle under life-choking regulations, those in government are wealthier than any population in world history. The five richest counties in the United States are the suburbs surrounding Washington, D.C. See …

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Government “scientists” caught faking climate data AGAIN: adjustments to sea-level data designed to show accelerating rise

In the academic battle over whether manmade CO2 is causing catastrophic climate change (and over whether people must immediately surrender all rights to governments so that socialism can save the world from fossil fuels), one side has been caught time and time again faking data. “Skeptics” have been demonized, attacked, assaulted, sued, fired, blacklisted and …

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Death Threats Fly over Fake News: “Net Neutrality” Strikes Again

The Ultimate Goal is for Government to Become Everyone’s Web Browser and Home Page Governments worldwide are seeking to control the internet. In the U.S., the movement is called “Net Neutrality.” Advocates of “net neutrality” spin fantastical tales of monopolistic corporations pandering to the rich or overcharging the poor for internet access. Of course, such …

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Montana’s “conservative” Secretary of State supports government takeover of the internet

by Roger I. Roots, founder and president, Lysander Spooner University In 2016 I was the Libertarian candidate for Montana Secretary of State. I remember receiving a phone call from Corey Stapleton, my Republican opponent. Stapleton begged me to drop out of the race, telling me that he was really libertarian on most issues and that …

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Bovard recounts life in Soviet-era Hungary and Romania

Author James Bovard is a widely read chronicler of government stupidity and tyranny. His books include Lost Rights, Shakedown, and Freedom in Chains. Bovard recently recounted a trip through communist-era Hungary and Romania during the 1980s. See here. Romania was part of the Soviet bloc at the time, and its people lived in constant fear. …

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Have glaciers increased in number in Glacier National Park?

It appears that NBC News visited Glacier National Park’s Grinnell Glacier earlier this year. NBC News repeated the claim of government scientists (prevalent everywhere throughout the Park) that the glaciers at GNP are rapidly melting due to apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming. See here. Lysander Spooner University documented in September of this year that GNP’s famed Grinnell Glacier appears …

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