Author's posts
Sep 18
36 percent of L.A. cops retire with BOTH their highest salary as a pension AND lifetime monthly disability checks. 70 percent of L.A. firefighters retire on the same “disabled” status
An astounding Reason Magazine article reports that a majority of LAPD cops and LA City firefighters are “retiring” at a young age as “disabled” millionaires. The City’s “Defined Retirement Option Plan” (DROP), allows police and firefighters, eligible for a pension equaling 90 percent of the average of their final years’ pay at age 50, to …
Sep 16
Venezuelan government imposes more minimum wage increases, price controls. Thousands of stores close.
Socialists and government trusters are seeing all of their proposed policy ideas implemented in Venezuela. And the results are predictable. The South American socialist regime has driven out most productive industries. Inflation is way above 200 percent. Starvation and disease are rampant. Basic commodities cannot be found. Millions have fled. Men die in brutal fights …
Sep 06
Shortest melt season on record in the Arctic?
The “mainstream” (meaning government supporting and supported) media continue to report that manmade global warming is quickly melting the ice in the Arctic away to nothing. But a careful analysis of satellite records seems to indicate that this year’s Arctic “melt season” is already over. Unless there is an unforeseen sudden rise in temperatures in …
Sep 06
Hong Kong bypasses New York City as home to the most super rich
New York City’s famed Wall Street produced thousands of millionaires during the era of American capitalism and freedom. But years of socialistic government, regulation, and taxation have taken their toll on the Big Apple. Many multi-millionaires have fled New York City for freer shores and states. And New York’s high rates of taxation and business …
Sep 03
Western governments to demand that all computer makers allow government ‘back door’ monitoring of all products
Every government ultimately comes for all property, all money, all freedom, and to kill all who resist. Now the “Five Eyes” surveillance project of the western world’s 5 most powerful countries is preparing to demand that no computer device ever be manufactured anywhere unless is is programmed to allow government officials to enter, monitor and …
Sep 03
Dr. Edwin Berry, PhD, will address Lysander Spooner University on September 11 in Kalispell, Montana
Legendary Scientist will explain why the Theory of Catastrophic Global Warming by CO2 is mostly a Hoax. Dr. Edwin Berry, one of the world’s foremost authorities on climate physics, will speak before Lysander Spooner University at Sykes Restaurant in Kalispell, Montana, on Sept. 11, 2018 at 6:00 pm. Suggested donation is $10 but do not …
Aug 26
Australian voters and representatives remove 3 prime ministers in a decade over “climate change” impositions; U.S. newspapers ignore
Australians pay some of the highest electricity rates in the world, mostly due to laws imposed by the Australian government which affirm and enshrine the global-government’s climate change theory and which require energy to be largely produced by expensive wind and solar projects. In recent years, Australian voters have revolted against such rules. Voters and …
Aug 25
2.3 million starving Venezuelans have fled socialism for other South American countries
Just 25 years ago the people of Venezuela were the healthiest and wealthiest in Latin America. But they fell for promises of “free health care” and government benefits and voted for socialism. Now hundreds of thousands have died of starvation and disease. Women and young girls prostitute themselves for pennies. Men die fighting with knives …
Aug 24
Tech giants meet secretly at Twitter headquarters to plot election operations
Of course the American people have the constitutional right to meet secretly and plot the overthrow of government by means ofelections and coordinated political speech. But in recent years, “campaign finance reformers” have imposed various rules making such secret plotting and funding of political speech illegal. Governments everywhere have always demanded that anyone who publishes …
Aug 22
Data analysis reveals California “record heat” records are manipulated
The great data analyst Tony Heller has exposed many government temperature record lies. Now Heller has examined widely-publicized claims that California recently set various “all-time” heat records. (A report that this past July was the hottest in California history, for example, made its way onto the front pages of many national newspapers.) Heller finds that …