Author's posts
Apr 26
When government takes over agriculture: millions stand in food lines while millions more pounds of food rots and farmers go broke
A shocking story in Politico details the utter lunacy of the U.S. government’s COVID-19 measures on American agriculture. In a free market, agricultural producers stay tuned to demand from grocery markets and restaurants. Farmers supply foodstuffs in close relation to market signals from months or seasons earlier. But in a government-directed, centrally planned economy, government …
Apr 21
Government regulations DO NOT improve quality; they simply make products more expensive
Economist Mark Perry has studied the effect of government regulation on industries for many years. His research shows that wherever goods and services are freest, prices go down while quality and innovation constantly improve. Examples are televisions, electronics, and cell phones. But products and services which are subject to the most regulation (such as education, …
Apr 21
U.S. Government refuses to allow anonymous at-home COVID-19 test kits
The history of government slave plantation healthcare is the history of government efforts to sicken, weaken, harm, expose and kill the American people. Every government so-called health care program has had the same financial effect: such programs artificially increase demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise. For centuries—millennia, actually—the law has recognized medical privacy. …
Apr 02
News media sources in India are ordered to carry the official government version of COVID-19 developments
India’s highest court has ordered news media and social media sites to carry the government’s “official version” of developments regarding the alleged Coronavirus crisis, to curb independent reporting.
Apr 02
Matt Ridley: Britain will thrive as the world’s next Hong Kong in the wake of Brexit
Best selling science writer and futurist Matt Ridley was recently interviewed by Reason’s Nick Gillespie. Ridley discussed his latest book on innovation. Ridley is also a member of the UK House of Commons where he is something of a libertarian. Ridley supported the 2017 Brexit movement. Ridley suggests that Britain will soon become a global …
Apr 02
World’s elite government supporting universities announce “Alliance” to promote climate alarmism
Government supporting universities around the globe have announced the formation of an “International Universities Climate Alliance” to “ACCELERATE ACTION” (use of all-caps in original) “to meet the unprecedented global challenge of climate change.” Some forty schools, including Arizona State University, California Institute of Technology, Cornell University, King’s College London, McGill University, University of Melbourne and …
Mar 31
Scottish parliament prepares to suspend the right to trial by jury
The Coronavirus panic is threatening long-established constitutional rights around the globe. Ancient cornerstone protections of English common law–including rights to speedy and public jury trials–are being suspended in Scotland. Over a virus which appears to bring a death rate less than 1 percent.
Mar 12
U.S. government creates fake universities (and even makes one of them ‘fully accredited’), then arrests foreign students who are tricked into enrolling
Throughout the past two years, the U.S. government’s ICE agency set up its own fake university, According to Reason Magazine: The latest chapter in the story began in 2015, when ICE decided to crack down on visa mills. The agency created the University of Northern New Jersey, a fake college that held no classes and …
Mar 04
“Climate Change” is “the defining issue of our time” for only a tiny sliver of elites
The issue ranks second to last among Americans’ concerns. The crusade to empower governments to protect the planet from alleged imminent catastrophic manmade global warming is a movement only of wealthy elites, new polling confirms. This is despite hundreds of millions—no, billions—of dollars of spending aimed at convincing Americans to trust elites on this issue. …
Feb 02
Twitter, under government pressure, permanently bans Zero Hedge for asking if Chinese government created the coronavirus
Zero Hedge is one of the most popular independent financial and economic sites on Twitter. It has almost 700,000 Twitter followers. But days ago, Zero Hedge published a news story entitled, “Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?” The story was about Chinese government laboratories which are known to be developing biological weapons. …