Author's posts

Australian government locks down unvaccinated citizens, barring them from work or exercise

Australia has quickly become one of the greatest tyrannies in human history–supposedly in response to a disease “pandemic” that has (at most) a 3/10ths of 1% death rate for those infected. PJ Media reports that citizens who fail to submit to government-sponsored COVID-19 injections are prohibited in one province from even going to work or …

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India arrests citizens who cheered Pakistan’s victory over India in cricket match–for sedition

Uttar Pradesh, India. October. The Guardian reports that “Indian police have arrested seven Muslim youths for allegedly celebrating Pakistan’s victory over India in a cricket match.” The prospective charges: sedition, cyberterrorism and “promoting enmity among groups.” “[F]ederal cabinet minister Sidharth Nath Singh, told NDTV news channel that Uttar Pradesh police would take the strictest possible …

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Emails reveal government pushing reporters to smear scientists who criticize government COVID actions

“In public, Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins urge Americans to “follow the science.” In private, the two sainted public-health officials schemed to quash dissenting views from top scientists. That’s the troubling but fair conclusion from emails obtained recently via the Freedom of Information Act by the American Institute for Economic Research.” The emails show that …

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Government-supporting media sources are struggling to maintain their “mass formation psychosis” in the wake of Dr. Malone interview

The phrase “mass formation psychosis” was widely searched for after the eminent Dr. Robert Malone was interviewed on the widely watched Joe Rogan podcast. Malone said that Twitter and other social media sites permanently deleted him due to “horizontal” collusion between all mainstream media and government information sources. Malone, the inventor of Mrna technology and …

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Overregulation is killing private medical practice

Devorah Goldman, writing in the Wall Street Journal, reports that her father’s rheumatology practice in Brooklyn has been swamped with patients from far-flung states because many other private practices have closed permanently. Overregulation by medical authorities is destroying private medical practice. In 1983, more than 75% of physicians owned their own practices. By 2018 that …

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Hong Kong—once a beacon of freedom—is now a land of newsroom raids and arrests of journalists

Pro-government journalism may be the easiest professions in the world. Anti-government journalism is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. Last week in Hong Kong, police raided the headquarters of vocal website Stand News and arrested at least six, including current and former editors and board members. Charges include conspiracy to publish a …

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US government now makes it IMPOSSIBLE to renounce citizenship!

“The US state department says giving up citizenship requires a face-to-face interview with a government official, and that it is too risky given coronavirus.” The Guardian is out with a detailed story on the plight of thousands who seek to renounce their US citizenship. “By some calculations, there may be as many as 30,000 people …

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“Infrastructure” bill will include massive government support for pro-government “journalism”

For years, so-called mainstream (government supporting, government supported) newsrooms have been losing viewers, readers, followers and ad revenue. Americans just won’t pay to view pro-government propaganda. Alternative news sources have grown to dwarf the “legacy” news sources. Alex Jones’ Infowars network of independent news was Youtube’s BIGGEST channel until Youtube permanently banned Infowars content. Alternative …

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Britain’s “scientific advisers” are not allowed to report good pandemic outcomes!

Britain’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) was created to supposedly “provide scientific and technical advice to support government decision makers during emergencies.” SAGE is routinely quoted in news reports about the dangers and deadliness of SARS-Covi-1. But Zero Hedge recently uncovered startling admissions by SAGE directors: they have been enlisted only to provide scary …

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Alex Berenson was banned from social media for saying COVID vaxx injuries were 50 times greater than flu vaxx injuries. The figure is now 88 times!

Alex Berenson was banned from social media for saying COVID vaxx injuries were 50 times greater than flu vaxx injuries. The figure is now 88 times! Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google and Facebook all impose mass censorship of anti-government opinions and information. There is increasing evidence that this pro-government censorship agenda is secretly paid for or …

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