Free market writings increasingly censored as “hate speech” by internet filters

Increasingly businesses and libraries are contracting with companies that provide internet filters for internet users.

The filters are sold with claims that they weed out porn and hate speech. Increasingly, it seems that such filters classify free market writings as ‘hate speech.’ See here:

articles by Rothbard are being blocked by my work’s internet security protocols. Specifically it says it is classified as “hate and racism”. I am blown away that the left has even infiltrated internet security companies now.


Bank of America issues recession warning

Today every country on earth utilizes central banking to produce its currency. No currency on earth is backed by gold, silver or any other precious metal or commodity.

Through the seemingly magical power of central banking, governments can produce ‘goods and services’ beyond their levels of taxation.

But now one of the largest commercial banks in the world, Bank of America, has issued a chilling report predicting a worldwide banking crisis within months.

“We are seven years into a full-fledged, all out, central bankers doing everything they can to stimulate demand,” Bank of America-Merrill Lynch’s head of U.S. equity and quantitative strategy Savita Subramanian recently warned on CNBC’s “Fast Money.”

“We looked at all of these indicators that have been pretty good at forecasting recessions and we extrapolated that if they follow the current trends they’re on, we’re going to hit a recession sometime in the second half of next year.”

See here.


Poorer households suffer more from government regulations than do richer households


A new study finds that poorer households spend a higher proportion of their incomes on more heavily regulated goods.

Consequently, the costs of regulations falls disproportionately on the poor. See here.

The study, entitled “How Do Federal Regulations Affect Consumer Prices? An Analysis of the Regressive Effects of Regulation,” was authored by Dustin Chambers and Courtney A. Collins February 2016

7 in 10 Americans have less than $1,000 in savings

If you save anything in modern America, you are an utter fool. The U.S. government has been punishing savers for years.

A variety of government programs punish savers:

For example, near-zero percent interest rates (which disincentivize saving and incentivize borrowing), and the Social Security and Medicare programs (which incentivize early ‘retirement,’ and convince millions of Americans to work fewer hours and reduce savings and investment.

Now 7 in 10 Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. See here. images8MBDNVYQ

81-year-old woman growing pot plant raided by National Guard with helicopter

Never before in American history has government been so powerful in relation to its subjects.

Government ‘law enforcement’ at all levels is now so massively overfunded that it deploys tanks, helicopters and tactical teams to enforce the most trivial laws.

Now a retired Massachusetts woman growing a single pot plant for medicine has been raided by National Guard troops with a helicopter.

See here. imageso9rev0ch

U.S. government spends 1.5 billion dollars ANNUALLY on public relations

Barack Obama became president of the United States in 2008 with the support of about $2 billion. (Because the presidential election is a two-year cycle, this means that the cost of promoting Obama to the Presidency was approximately $1 billion annually.)

Campaign finance “reformers” routinely decry “money in politics” and push for government controls on American political ad spending.

But a new report by the General Accounting Office (GAO) finds that the U.S. government spends approximately $1.5 billion ANNUALLY on public relations firms. See here.

Such government spending is not subject to campaign finance laws.


U.S. Secretary of State discussed using a ‘drone strike’ to murder reporter Julian Assange

Every tyrant, king, president, czar or prime minister has always dreamed of having omnipotent power to snuff out criticism or critical journalism.

Now there is a report that Hillary Clinton, as U.S. Secretary of State, thought seriously about killing Julian Assange (founder of the website Wikilieaks, which has exposed massive government corruption) by a drone strike. See here.

Of course, Assange has been holed up for several years in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Any drone strike upon Assange would have triggered a war or a major international incident. g

Government appears to be helping cover up the risks of donating kidneys


Interesting (and courageous) essay by medical student Michael Poulson in the Washington Post.

At age 18, Poulson donated a kidney. Like almost everything in American life, organ donation is overregulated by the government. The government imposes a ‘list’ system and criminalizes any selling of organs or other profit-potential ventures which might unleash innovation.

And, it turns out, government overregulation aids and abets the suppression of information about the potential risks of donating kidneys and other organs.

Years after Michael Poulson donated a kidney, he stumbled upon research that shows organ donors are more likely to develop kidney failure later in life, and–possibly–to die earlier from a range of other illnesses.

(Government propaganda feeds into a ‘cheerleading’ ethic which simply praises donors without alerting them to any potential risks.)

Minnesota medical insurance poised to skyrocket in cost


The “Affordable Care Act” was enacted by Congress in 2010 with claims that it would bring average savings of $2,500 per year per household.

It has actually caused health care prices to explode faster than Medicare and Medicaid did.

In Minnesota, average premium prices are set to increase by 50 % to 67% in 2017. See here.

This while annual economic growth hovers around 1% due to overregulation and taxation.

Stay tuned!

U.S. “Defense Department” spent at least a half billion dollars to create fake al-queda videos

Governments worldwide have always sought to control the message. In recent years, a fake “grass roots” movement to give government more control over election ads has arisen, calling itself the “campaign finance reform” movement. This while government agencies spend hundreds of millions annually on ads, messages and propaganda (on top of all the other ways that government agencies influence people with punishments and rewards).

Every claim offered by the campaign finance movement is false.

Now it is revealed that the U.S. government paid AT LEAST A HALF BILLION DOLLARS to just one public relations firm to produce and distribute fake “al-quaeda” videos. See here.

(Note that this dollar amount is almost one-quarter of the total dollars spent in 2008 by Barak Obama’s successful presidential campaign!)


Note that this story should also be filed in the ‘fake threat of terror’ file. Almost every claim made by governments about ‘terrorism’ is untrue. (And state-sponsored terrorism vastly overshadows all private ‘terrorism’ in the world.)