U.S. Homeland Security tried to hack into Georgia election computers


It is a recurring theme among government trusters that suspicions of election fraud are unfounded.

Except that, out of the other side of their mouths, those pushing for expansive government assert that the States’ election computers are vulnerable to “hacking” by foreigners. Thus, Homeland Security should take over the States’ election programming.

This year, after the Trump election, Democrats have spread the meme that the Russian government influenced or tried to influence the election for Trump. (Hillary’s forces vastly outspent Trump’s forces, so the Democrats couldn’t use their normal tactic of claiming that free-market billionaires stole the election.)

Now it has come out that the money-gorged U.S. Department of Homeland Security tried to hack into the election computer system of the State of Georgia! See here.

U.S. life expectancy declines as government takes over health care


In every industry, free markets lead to higher quality goods and services, greater abundance and lower prices.

Government control of industries, however, creates ever-higher prices, stable-or-worsening quality, and scarcity.

U.S. life expectancy has risen steadily for decades, as market innovation has spread.

But now, advances in innovation have stalled as government pours on the regulations.

Life expectancy is now declining, just as in some of the most backward socialist societies. See here.

As always, increased government control has led to disease, weakness, poverty and sickness.

New Event: January 7, 2017: An Incredible Afternoon of Education and Fun in Pahrump, Nevada

An Incredible afternoon of lectures!

Saturday, January 7, 2017 at the public library in Pahrump, Nevada

Free to the public! Everyone is welcome!

Refreshments and Stimulating Lectures!

1:30 p.m.: Patricia Aiken, “Range Rights and Why they Matter”


2:30 p.m.: “Cowboys and Indians in the New West,” by Shawna Cox. Shawna was one of the “Malheur 7” defendants in the 2016 federal trial in Portland, Oregon. In this talk, Shawna will recount the malicious prosecution and discuss the contemporary landscape of protest and conflict in the American West.

3:30 p.m.: John Lamb: “One Man’s Quest for Sanity in the New World Order.” Montana’s courageous John Lamb recounts the experiences that led him to renounce corruption and tyranny and launch a path-breaking online journalism career.

4:30 p.m.: Attorney Roger Roots: “Legal Research for the Poor and Downtrodden.”

Obvious CIA signature behind current “fake news” fad


It is well documented that the CIA heavily funded mainstream “American culture” throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s.

Billions, if not hundreds of billions of dollars have been taken from taxpayers to subsidize “mainstream” (i.e., pro-government) news and entertainment content.

Now, after the pro-government establishment was defeated in the 2016 elections, the government newspapers have been filled with false, nonsensical stories about how alternative news sources promote “false news” funded by the Russians.

Also, there is a movement among the pro-government “social media” outlets to ban alternative, “extremist” (meaning non-government-supporting) content. See here.

Montana “liberal” governor proposes cutting 27 state troopers; Montana “conservatives” oppose


As Montana’s Democratic governor prepares to submit a budget to the Legislature, he is proposing small cuts to the Montana Highway Patrol, including a proposal to lay off 27 troopers.

The troopers are clearly unnecessary. Montana’s roadways are safer than ever, and Montana vehicles are traveling more miles more safely than ever before.

Now the State’s Republican leadership–who endlessly campaign (and get elected) upon promises to “limit government”–are seeking to block the cuts.

See here.


Thailand authorities arrest man for ‘sharing’ a news story about the king on Facebook


Every government ultimately comes for all money, all property, all freedom, and to kill all who resist.

Now a man has been jailed in Thailand merely for ‘sharing’ a news story about the Thai king. The news story contained information about the king’s prior divorces. See here.

Government schools have underperformed despite spending massively on administration


The graph above shows that government spending on “education” has increased massively while all outcomes have been flat.

If this model were implemented by the private sector, everyone associated would be fired and the system would declare bankruptcy.

Even worse, the spending has been directed disproportionately toward “administration” rather than actual instructors. See here.

U.S. government agencies have been caught repeatedly altering arctic sea ice records


Once again, the courageous data analyst Tony Heller has caught U.S. government agencies altering ice history records to make the past seem colder than it was measured (and thereby make the present seem warmer in comparison).

Now, Heller and others have uncovered previous government reports showing arctic ice levels growing substantially in the 1970s. More recent government reports (often generated by the same agencies) have erased this record of sea ice growth in the 1970s–so that the government can promote its theory of manmade-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide (which in turn, boosts the government’s demands for more power and money to ‘solve’ the alleged problem).

See here.

Greenland has gained 300 billion tons of ice since September 1


According to Tony Heller (who generally uses Danish DMI data), Greenland has gained 300 billion tons of ice since September 1, blowing away all records for ice gain.

See here.

Trump has selected Myron Ebell, a gifted skeptical scientist, to run the EPA


Government supporting journalists and professors are gnashing their teeth regarding Donald Trump’s selection of Myron Ebell as head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Ebell is a gifted scholar of climate science. Here he is debating a pro-government scientist about the 2008 Climategate emails.

Here he is speaking about the inconsistencies between government temperature models and actual temperatures,–and the insidious nature of the UN’s various climate agreements.