Health care costs have risen 467 % over 3 decades

Crusading newsman John Stossel writes that “[b]ecause there’s no real health care market, costs rose 467 percent over the last three decades.” In fact, 7 in 8 health care dollars are now paid by Medicare, Medicaid or” insurance (which is mostly required and incentivized by government policies). See here.

Government subsidies–designed to bring health care to ‘the poor’–have drastically driven up costs.

“By contrast, prices fell in the few medical areas not covered by insurance, like plastic surgery and LASIK eye care. Patients shop around, forcing health providers to compete.”

The National Center for Policy Analysis found that from 1999 to 2011 the price of traditional LASIK eye surgery dropped from over $2,100 to about $1,700.

Ken Medenbach confirmed as speaker for Las Vegas symposium

Ken Medenbach, the world’s foremost authority on judicial oaths and their impacts on constitutional authority, will give a lecture at Lysander Spooner University’s upcoming April 15 symposium in Las Vegas.

Professor Medenbach has spent years studying constitutional history and will inspire and amaze the crowd with his knowledge and insights.

Medenbach was one of the “Malheur 7,” wrongly arrested and prosecuted for his role in events near Burns, Oregon in January 2016.

Amazing new speaker added for April 15 symposium: Kelli Stewart

Kelli Stewart, Oregon’s most provocative self-help freedom activist, mother of 4, and goat milk proponent, has been confirmed for April 15 at the West Las Vegas Public Library.

Kelli will provide an inspiring lecture on contemporary threats to American families and freedom. She will address the startling growth of power among “child protective service” agencies nationwide, and the threats imposed by the encroachment of government into our private lives.

Kelli will also speak of her own struggles as a freedom activist in the Portland area during recent criminal trials of constitutionalists. Her talk will both shock and inspire!

$6 at the door.

It is the longest winter on record in Maine

Maine is experiencing the longest winter in its history. Never before have parts of Maine been under 12 inches of snow continuously for so long. See here.

Roots, Lamb, and others to speak at Upcoming Lysander Spooner Symposium

The West Las Vegas Public Library will be the setting for an educational symposium on April 15, 2017.

The forum has the working title, “Government versus Freedom: Scholars Confront Tyranny.”

Dr. Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D. will speak on “The Evils of Social Security.” LSU Professor of Journalism John Lamb will address the crowd with another spellbinding lecture.

Other speakers and details to be announced.

$6 at the door. Refreshments, book signings, lots of information! Be there!

FDA requires that all restaurant menus include calorie information, and then defines “menu” to include everything from coupons to sales ads

The diabolical reach of the federal government knows almost no bounds.

Recently, the Food and Drug Administration imposed a rule that all restaurant “menus” must include calorie data regarding every product. That rule alone imposed millions of dollars of unnecessary costs on the restaurant industry. (Many restaurants and food chains–such as McDonalds–have long been volunteering such information for their customers.)

But the government’s definition of “menu” includes most advertising and marketing materials.

FDA defines a menu as any material that lists, or has an image of, at least one standard menu item, includes the price of the item, and can be used by a customer to make an order (e.g., by including a phone number or web address).

This broad interpretation means that a majority of print advertising, including coupons, door hangers, fliers, direct mail, and circulars, will have to be calorie-labeled. See here.

Government causes poverty: Massive welfare spending in San Antonio makes people less educated, more desperate

For the past 5 years, the federal government has poured $54 million in government aid into an impoverished neighborhood in San Antonio, Texas.

The welfare program has apparently may have set the tiny, 3.5 square mile neighborhood back. The San Antonio Express reports more high school graduates (79.4%) require remedial courses to enter college today than before the grant infusion (77.9%).

It appears that income and wealth levels in the government-welfare-gorged neighborhood are no better now than when the U.S. government launched the program.

Obamacare stands! Republicans again betray the American people

For years, the American people have been voting for Republican politicians upon promises that those politicians would start cutting government.

When Republicans occupy one chamber of Congress, they justify their failure to cut government on grounds that Democrats control the OTHER branch.

When Republicans control both the House and the Senate, Republicans say they can’t cut anything because Democrats control the White House.

Now that Republicans control both chambers as well as the Presidency, they are still failing to cut government. Yesterday, Republicans announced that they are withdrawing plans to repeal Obamacare.

See here.

Obamacare has driven up insurance deductibles and cost millions of jobs

Americans have voted overwhelmingly against government over the past several elections. They elected Republicans in droves during the 2010, 2014 and 2016 election cycles upon promises made by such Republicans that they would repeal Obamacare.

Studies show that around half of all working Americans are made to pay higher deductibles for medical insurance.

Obamacare has made looking for a job harder.

Without repeal, Obamacare will cost the nation 2 million full-time jobs by 2025, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

As many as 1 million low-wage workers have had their hours cut because their employers needed to evade the Obamacare mandate.

As much as half of all published “science” is untrue

The prestigious British medical journal Lancet is out with a statement indicating that as much as half of all published “science” is untrue. See here.

Reasons vary. But most of the blame falls on the role of government, and the religion of government supremacy, which dominates universities worldwide.