Veterans Administration violates medical regulations

Regulation kills. For decades, government policymakers at state, local and federal levels have piled regulations onto the medical industry. Combined with government subsidies, these policies have sent health care costs spiraling upward faster than inflation every year for decades.

Recently the USA Today reported that even government “health care” operations such as the Veterans Administration have had to violate regulations in order to function. The VA has been hiring doctors with revoked medical licenses for years.

(Of course, the licensing laws have been imposed because lobby groups such as the American Medical Association (AMA) deliberately seek to enrich themselves by limiting the market of medical professionals.)

VA officials may have cut corners to address widespread failures to treat veterans, which were publicized throughout 2014 and 2015.

The VA Inspector General admits that hundreds of thousands of veterans may have died as a result of VA wait lists. In Los Angeles, nearly 100 veterans died waiting for health care between October 2014 and August 2015. There’s also another report that links veteran suicides to neglect.

Government scientists rage at slight Trump budget cuts

Study after study shows that when government pays for science, that “science” tends to be very expensive, very inefficient, and biased in favor of government. This can be seen in numerous fields including welfare policy, education, health care and climate science.

Dr. Roger Roots, the founder of Lysander Spooner University, documented the inefficiency of government-funded “science” in an insightful 2013 study.

Dr.Terence Kealey found that government funding of science results in very few important discoveries. He published his findings in The Economic Laws of Scientific Research (1996).

On December 22, the Washington Post published the headline “Government scientists blocked from the biggest meeting in their field.”

The story went on to detail that the Trump Administration recently capped government attendance at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, the largest gathering of Earth, space and climate scientists in the world.

Last year some 450 government scientists from the Interior Department attended and read their research papers at the conference. This year, the Trump Administration decreed that

no more than 199 employees across the department could travel to the meeting, and expenditures could not exceed $399,000.

Thousands flee socialist Illinois

The State of Illinois has increased taxes, fees and regulations on its long-suffering subjects for years.

Now Illinoians are some of the most heavily-taxed people in the world. Their socialist overlords have so bankrupted the State that businesses and workers are fleeing.

Now Illinois has been passed by Pennsylvania as the 5th most populous state. See here.

U.S. life expectancy declines for second year in a row as government takes larger role in “health care”

Where societies are free, life expectancy grows steadily. Abundance, nutrition and technological advancement drive humans to ever-higher standards of health and wellbeing.

But since 1965, the U.S. government has taken an ever-larger role in “health care” and welfare. Now the medical market is more than half socialist. Government slave-plantation health care operations have driven medical costs steadily upward, and faster than the rate of inflation every year for decades.

Consequently, U.S. life expectancy is declining. Last year was the second year in a row in which life expectancy declined.

NBC “news”–which has been secretly supported by millions of dollars from the federal government for years–blames the trend on “epidemic drug overdoses.”

Remember all those emails to the FCC just prior to the FCC’s anti-‘net neutrality’ vote? They were mostly fraudulent.

Remember last week in the run-up to the FCC’s vote to overturn the prior FCC’s “net neutrality” takeover of the internet (from 2 years ago)?

“Mainstream” (meaning government-approved–and approving) media news reported that the public supported the 2015 government takeover of the internet and opposed the current FCC’s vote to overturn the prior FCC’s vote.

(In the 2 years since the prior FCC’s “net neutrality” takeover, internet innovation investments had already declined by more than 5%.)

Now we find out that the supposedly massive “public” disapproval of the current FCC’s ‘overturn’ vote was A FRAUD. See here.

Hundreds of thousands of comments were submitted to the FCC in spikes during the public comment period about its proposal to eliminate the 2015 “net neutrality” order; and, upon further investigation, were found to have been written not by humans, but by artificial intelligence programs using “natural language generators.” reports that “over a third of the nearly 22 million comments that poured into the [FCC] . . . included one of seven identical messages,” and “more than half were associated with duplicate or temporary emails.” Additionally, the New York Attorney General is also investigating reports that as many as two-million fraudulent submissions used the names and addresses of real people, both living and dead, from multiple states in a scheme to sway the FCC’s vote.

The fraudulent emails appear to have been on BOTH sides of the issue!

Venezuelan children dying of starvation on a massive scale; government prohibits humanitarian aid from ‘capitalist’ countries

Just 25 years ago, Venezuelans were the healthiest and wealthiest people in Latin America.

Today, after numerous victorious elections by socialist politicians, the people eat out of trash cans, die in knife fights in food lines, and resort to prostitution to survive.

They rape the environment, killing birds, dogs, cats and anything that breathes or moves.

Even doctors teachers, and small children engage in prostitution for food. And thousands of children are dying of starvation and malnutrition. See here.

Meanwhile, the government has ordered a near-total blackout regarding health statistics. The country’s government health care system is reported to function at a “19th century” level.

And when people from ‘capitalist’ countries try to send humanitarian aid, the Venezuelan government intercepts it and turns it away. Accepting it would ‘send the wrong message.’ See here.

Under “campaign finance” laws, Wisconsin became a political surveillance state

Forget the Alien & Sedition Acts, the Palmer Raids, the Red Scare or the McCarthy Hearings.

The greatest threat to freedom of speech and press in American history is the scam known as “campaign finance reform.”

Government tyrants and despots have a thousand ways to influence elections to promote more powerful government. They secretly (and sometimes openly, through “public service announcements”) fund the news. They get to stage free press releases and conferences while their opponents must pay for ads to compete with them.

But government officials and their worshippers seek to limit (private sector) money in politics–especially money which pays for political ads which promote freedom, free-enterprise, smaller government or deregulation.

In Wisconsin, the entrenched pro-government forces became so concerned in 2012 that Republican governor Scott Walker’s recall election efforts may have been supported by the evil Koch Brothers that they staged midnight raids and seized millions of pages of emails and other documents. They steadily leaked stories about investigations of government-critical politicians to the press but prohibited the same politicians from publicly defending themselves.

[In 2013 there were] paramilitary-style, pre-dawn raids on the homes of unsuspecting private citizens. With floodlights trained on the targets’ homes, armed officers threatened to beat doors down with battering rams; rifled through rooms; and seized phones, computers, and bank records without allowing the subjects to contact their attorneys. Groggy families awakened to the sound of police boots running through their homes were told that they could not tell anyone what had happened.

Their crime? Supporting conservative causes in Wisconsin.

Years of personal, intimate emails and messages of Wisconsinites who oppose all-powerful government have apparently been gathered and kept by Wisconsin’s “campaign finance” authorities.

See here.

Secret police, surveillance, and detentions: Chinese government “disappears” thousands of Muslims

According to the Associated Press, Chinese Muslims are being secretly arrested, imprisoned, or killed on a massive scale. The Chinese government views its Uighur minority as a national security threat.

The student’s friends think he joined the thousands — possibly tens of thousands — of people, rights groups and academics estimate, who have been spirited without trial into secretive detention camps for alleged political crimes that range from having extremist thoughts to merely traveling or studying abroad. The mass disappearances, beginning the past year, are part of a sweeping effort by Chinese authorities to use detentions and data-driven surveillance to impose a digital police state in the region of Xinjiang and over its Uighurs, a 10-million strong, Turkic-speaking Muslim minority

The disappearances are aimed at “ostensibly rooting out terror — but [are] instead instilling fear.”

Chinese police now monitor the way Uighurs dress and look for signs of muslim extremism.

There are “police depots with flashing lights and foot patrols . . . every 500 meters (yards)— a total of 1,130. . . . The AP saw cavalcades of more than 40 armored vehicles including full personnel carriers rumble down city boulevards. Police checkpoints on every other block stop cars to check identification and smartphones for religious content.”

The government uses facial recognition technology on a massive scale, and requires every car to install GPS trackers for real-time monitoring. “And since late last year, Xinjiang authorities have required health checks to collect the population’s DNA samples. In May, a regional police official told the AP that Xinjiang had purchased $8.7 million in DNA scanners — enough to analyze several million samples a year.”

The government has also enlisted a massive army of undercover informants embedded in the community , so no Uighur can ever trust his neighbor. See here.

Trump Administration removes “climate change” as a “national security threat”

The greatest threat to national security has always been–and will always be–the government itself.

Consider the “Operation Northwoods” documents, unclassified in the 1990s. The declassified documents showed that the 12 generals and admirals in the Joint Chiefs of Staff–who held the keys to the highest-level “national security” filing cabinets in Washington, D.C.–were planning to kill the American people to get America into a war with Cuba.

The very people “in charge” of “national security” were the very greatest threats to it. They plotted to kill Americans in planes, buildings and cruise ships.

The same is surely true today. Somewhere in Washington, in the most secure offices of the U.S. government, there are government officials plotting to kill, maim, sicken and torture the American people to achieve their evil ends.

Now there is word that the Trump Administration has removed “climate change” as a recognized “national security threat.” See here.

The internet is free again: FCC votes to eliminate “net neutrality” scam

Two years ago, the FCC voted (without Congressional authorization) for a government takeover of the internet. Government trusters called it “net neutrality.”

Every claim made by the fanatical government trusters behind “net neutrality was false. Advocates offered hypothetical harms and hysterical prophecies; they claimed that evil corporations might soon start discriminating, or censoring, or charging the rich more than the poor.

Of course, internet providers would probably loose millions if they did such things.

And there are already thousands of pages of laws and regulations regarding unfair trade practices.

Over the past 2 years, after “net neutrality” was imposed, investments in internet innovation declined 5.6%. Companies were less likely to innovate, and at least one wireless company stopped working on free-data options. Watch this interview with courageous FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.

Yesterday, the new FCC voted by split decision to end “net neutrality.” The government trusters behind “net neutrality” resorted to violent threats, racial intimidation, and even a bomb threat against the FCC during the vote.

Interestingly, the LARGEST players on the internet–those which dominate the market, including Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon–were on the side of the government takeover of the internet.

Amazon is the world’s largest company and its CEO is now the world’s richest person. Google, Facebook and Twitter together get 85% of internet ad revenue. Each of these megacorporations ENGAGES IN THE PRECISE CONDUCT that they claimed “net neutrality” would prevent their competitors from engaging in. (For example, Twitter, Facebook and Google have been caught repeatedly censoring government-critical sources and promoting pro-government sources).

These huge corporations supported “net neutrality” because it would keep down their competition. (Government regulation is always supported by the largest businesses, as it helps such businesses suppress their competitors.)


The FCC is a 5-person board which presumes to regulate “communications.” It is heavily partisan, with 3 members of the party in charge of the executive branch and 2 members from the minority party. Thus, the 3-member Republican majority recently replaced the 3-member Democratic majority when Trump became president. Yesterday’s vote was a split decision with Trump’s 3 members outvoting the 2 Democratic members, overturning the prior 3-2 vote from 2 years ago.

Now that the internet is free again, inventors are free to innovate and offer high quality goods at ever-lower prices. Poor upstarts may once again challenge the dominant players.
