Millions flee socialist Venezuela

The vibrant people of Venezuela began voting for socialist politicians 20 years ago. The politicians promised government health care, government jobs, and government security.

Government trusters in the west applauded Venezuela.

But now hundreds of thousands have died from starvation, murder and disease.

Venezuelans are now pouring over the borders seeking asylum in neighboring states. The New York Times recently ran a stirring story about Venezuelan refugees in Brazil.

1.8 million are expected to join the 1.5 million Venezuelans who have already fled.

Brazil recently declared a national emergency and ordered the military to take over the Venezuelan refugee camps.

Stay tuned!

Just 150,000 of 40 million Californians pay half of state income tax

California has remarkable features.

Victor Davis Hanson notes that California is the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world.

California’s tech industry is responsible for at least half all internet traffic in the world.

But the people of California are saddled with an increasingly socialist government. Fifty percent of Californians pay no state income tax.

And just 150,000 rich Californians pay half of the State’s income taxes. See here.

Pro- Government Extremist Faculty at Montana State University Vote to Deny Research Center named after Government-Critical Koch Brothers

America’s government-supported colleges and universities are temples of government worship and central planning. Almost any American who walks onto a college campus becomes immediately less free. MSU has speech codes and speech “zones.”

The faculty at MSU spew a steady stream of pro-government extremist research and sentiment. Their “research” on such matters as campaign-finance policy, science, energy, climate, and economics invariably favor the government and promote more government control.

Recently, the libertarian-leaning Charles Koch Foundation offered to donate $5.7 million to the University to establish a research center.

Although the pro-government Bozeman Daily Chronicle called the Koch Brothers “controversial,” the views of the Koch brothers are almost certainly closer to the views of the majority of Americans than are the views of the MSU faculty. See here.

The majority of MSU professors voted to take the money from the Koch Foundation but deny the launch of a Koch research center, apparently pursuant to the faculty’s view that research criticizing government control, regulation and policies should be disfavored.

Government’s War on Science: CDC Concealed Results of Study that Supported Private Firearms

Back during the 1990s, the government “Center for Disease Control” (CDC) was caught spending vast funds to fund gun control “studies.” The agency produced a variety of studies blaring such headlines as “Guns in the home are 43 times more likely to kill a family member than an intruder.” See here.

The government’s studies were poorly constructed and designed to promote anti-(private)-gun sentiment. Gun-freedom advocates were outraged and worked to get a Congressional ban on funding for such gun control promotion.

Government trusters complained that Congress’ gun-control-study ban was ‘war on science’ and sought to overturn the rule.

During the Obama years, the government trusters got what they wished. In the wake of the Sandy Hook saga, President Obama issued an Executive Orders giving the CDC $10 million to “research gun violence.”

But when the CDC’s “research” showed that private guns are generally safe and often used to thwart violence, the CDC SUPPRESSED THE STUDIES. See here.

Davidson College disinvites renowned anti-government history professor Burton Folsom for being ‘not academic enough’

Buton Folsom is one of America’s premier historians of ingenuity, economics and industry. His books and peer-reviewed articles are read widely.

But Folsom takes a decidedly different perspective from most other humanities and social-science professors. His works often criticize regulation and government control.

Recently a student group at government-supporting Davidson College (in North Carolina) arranged to have Professor Folsom (who teaches at Michigan’s Hillsdale College) speak at the North Carolina campus.

But pro-government extremist college authorities overruled the student group. They say Burton Folsom is not ‘academic’ enough to be featured at Davidson College’s main venue.

See here.

More U.S. postal workers arrested for keeping mail

Every inspection of U.S. Postal facilities has found stamped mail illegally destroyed, thrown in trashcans or hidden in workers’ vehicles or personal spaces. The U.S. Postal Service charges more than twice what a private sector business would charge for the same services, but maintains its monopoly on letter delivery by acts of Congress.

The government postal service loses about $5 billion annually despite having every market advantage. The USPS pays no state or federal income tax, no corporate tax, and no property tax. The USPS owns some of the most prestige real estate locations in the world.

The USPS also illegally monitors and surveils the American people by various means, including by recording the packaging of almost every parcel.

US Postal workers are significantly overpaid, and thousands of people apply for every advertised opening.

Now there is news of two more arrests of U.S. Postal workers for illegally keeping properly-stamped mail. One man, in New York City, was found with undelivered mail in his vehicle. Another, on Long Island, New York, was arrested after investigators found dozens of bags filled with undelivered mail behind his home. See here.

Kentucky governor reveals the true value of public school teachers: mere babysitters

Kentucky’s school teachers are on strike, and the governor of Kentucky recently revealed what he thinks of their true purpose and value.

Governor Matt Blevin said that without the government teachers, children may be drawn into drug use, assaulted, or raped.

Nothing about children missing out on education. See here.

Syrian “chemical attack” was false flag operation carried out in real time under total public exposure

Governments no longer care that their false flag ‘terror attacks’ are now exposed by alternative news in real time. They rely on “mainstream” (government supporting and supported) “news media” to report the government version of events uncritically.

On March 17–almost a month ago–“Russia Today,” the news network of the Russian government reported that “US instructors” are training militants to stage false flag chemical attacks in south Syria. The incidents are said to be a pretext for airstrikes on Syrian government troops and infrastructure.” (See this Youtube video before it is taken down.)

Note that much of RT’s news must be taken with a grain of salt. (It is, after all, news produced by a government.) However, the Russian network reported that U.S. intelligence agencies were training “Syrian troops” to engage in chemical attacks as a justification for U.S. military “intervention” (actually re-intervention or continued intervention) in syria.

Drudge Report (which is hardly an “alternative” source) featured a headline link to the Youtube video on April 15. Screenshot below.

Easter Island was wiped out by Little Ice Age; not manmade ecological collapse

Pro-government extremist Nicholas Kristof, a writer for the New York Times, recently repeated claims that the great sculptors of Easter Island were wiped out due to manmade environmental destruction.

Similar claims were made by Professor Jared Diamond in his bestseller “Collapse”–a wide-ranging set of sociological essays culminating in a call for central planning by learned government officials. Both Krisoff and Diamond have been vigorous promoters of the government’s catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by CO2 theory.

The two pro-government writers have offered Easter Island as an example showing why people must rely on governmental elites to guide their lives. Diamond and Kristof claim the ancient Easter Islanders died off because they cut down all the Island’s palm trees to use as rollers for the massive sculture stones and then were without logs to build canoes. They claim the trapped Easter Islanders then died of starvation when their environment eroded and collapsed. Kristof even entitled his Times essay, “A Parable of Self Destruction.”

But research indicates the claims of Diamond and Kristoff are mostly mythical. The people of Easter Island mostly died off due to the advancing cold of the Little Ice Age. See here.

U.S. Supreme Court holds cops who shoot knife-holding citizens are immune from suit

Many Americans wonder why cops are so violent, aggressive and lawless. Why don’t they obey the Constitution or Bill of Rights?

The answer is America’s judges. For more than a century, judges have enshrined cops as masters over the rest of humanity. Judges tend to hold that when a person gets hired as a cop and dons a magic suit, he becomes essentially immune from liability for anything he does on the job.

Cops regularly kill, punch, rape, torture and abuse the citizenry, but almost never face any legal repercussions.

Here is a recent Reason Magazine expose on a recent Supreme Court ruling (Kisela v. Hughes) which held that a cop who murdered a knife-holding woman in her kitchen is immune from suit.

It is important to remember that the Supreme Court hears only a small and dwindling number of cases — less than one in 100 of the cases that it is asked to hear will ever get a determination on the merits. Most of those cases, according to the Court’s rules and practices, will be cases where lower courts are divided on the law or an important legal issue is otherwise unsettled. These summary reversals are a notable, and sometimes explicit, exception. The Court takes a comparatively large number of factbound cases that present no lasting legal issue other than whether the Ninth Circuit got it wrong again.