Washington State “health officials” kidnap newborn baby after false-positive coronavirus test of parent

UPDATE: Hospital releases baby after hundreds of protesters descend; claims Mom now tests negative

Governments worldwide have used the excuse of coronavirus to engage in extended orgies of savagery and violence against millions of victims. The State of Washington in the U.S. has been Ground Zero for some of the world’s most extreme government tyranny.

On June 8, two Olympia, Washington parents, Derick and Lindsay Wright, welcomed a newborn baby, Grayson, into this world at St. Paul’s Hospital.

Hospital officials claimed that patients cannot be released from the hospital until they are tested for coronavirus. (The tests have been repeatedly exposed as unreliable, and the president of Tanzania has shown that tissue samples from goats and pineapples have tested positive for coronavirus in lab tests.)

Shortly after giving birth, Lindsay Wright, the Mom, was said to have tested positive for COVID-19. “Her [Lindsay’s] child was immediately taken from her arms,” according to Kelli Stewart of Washington State Peoples Rights Coalition. “The husband was removed from the hospital by the police.” CPS initiated efforts to strip the Wrights of their parental rights, on grounds of COVID-19.

Not only were the Wright’s both asymptomatic. They had been self-isolating and social distancing for months.

Word got out, however, and by Wednesday, June 10, the sidewalks surrounding the hospital were swarming with protesters. Kelli Stewart of Washington State Peoples Rights, Christine Gale of Kylee’s Fight, Joey Gibson of Patriot Prayer Network, and many others from as far away as Portland, Oregon arrived. Hundreds more were on the way.

Then–all of a sudden–the hospital announced that upon re-testing, Lindsay Wright tested negative! The parents could be reunited with their baby!


Amazon tried to ban its #2 bestselling book. Elon Musk called them out. Amazon changed its mind.

Major news media and social media platforms have censored most information that casts doubt on government coronavirus claims.

Youtube’s CEO recently announced that it will remove any health-related videos which dispute claims by the World Health Organization–making Youtube, in essence, a state-controlled media arm.

Now Amazon, the world’s largest bookseller by many multiples, is also censoring and banning books which cast doubt on the hysterical coronavirus claims of world governments.

Recently, a book by Alex Berenson entitled “Unreported Truths About COVID-19 and Lockdowns,” was banned by Amazon, with claims that the book did “not comply with our guidelines.”

Elon Musk, the famed billionaire founder of Space-X and Tesla, was alerted to the censorship via Twitter.

Musk tweeted out, “Time to break up Amazon. Monopolies are wrong!” He even tagged Amazon founder Jeff Bezos in the tweet.

Soon thereafter, Amazon reversed course, saying the book was now available for purchase. The book is now, according to Berenson, ranked #2 in both its Kindle and its hardcover editions.

COVID-19 Panic Will Bring a Painful End to Many Colleges

A recent story in the Wall Street Journal suggests that the economic damage caused by governments allegedly responding to the coronavirus pandemic will soon impact America’s colleges on a major scale.

Many colleges will not survive.

Governors ordered most, if not all U.S. colleges shuttered, and all higher education delivered online over the past three months. Many colleges and universities are debating whether to reopen their campuses in the Fall of 2020. The largest university system in the country–the California system–has already announced that most of its classes will continue to be delivered online until 2021 at least.

This development has left thousands of college students to question the value of the classes they view on their computer screens. Government policies have caused tuitions to increase faster than inflation for over three decades. Many students now go in debt $200,000 or more to receive their degrees.

America’s government-supported colleges and universities spew a steady stream of pro-government extremist philosophy, “research,” and pseudoscience. Anti-government thought is mostly banned on many campuses.

Was the government’s COVID-19 response the biggest transfer of wealth in history?

Government Made the Rich Vastly Richer; Impoverished Millions of Others

Jim Cramer, host of CNBC’s “Mad Money,” stated on June 4 that The coronavirus pandemic has produced “one of the greatest wealth transfers in history.”
“This is the first recession where big business … is coming through virtually unscathed,” even as 21 million Americans are drawing unemployment.

Since March, many governors have ordered most small businesses shuttered and closed. Small businessmen who tried to stay open have been arrested, fined, and prosecuted. Unemployed Americans have been forced to obtain food and necessities from just a handful of government-approved retailers.

WalMart, Costco, Target, Amazon, and major grocery chains have had virtual monopolies, thanks to these government orders.

The stock market has recently seen record-setting gains, even as small businesses have been crushed.

In alleged response to the coronavirus, the U.S. Congress and President Trump passed the largest spending bill in world history, costing taxpayers some $2.2 trillion. The vast majority of these funds went to make government agencies LARGER.

Governments are padding coronavirus deaths massively

On May 24 the New York Times published a massive front page article, “U.S. DEATHS NEAR 100,000; AN INCALCULABLE LOSS.” It supposedly listed names of people who have died from COVID-19. The 6th name on the list was a murder victim whose funeral suffered from restrictions due to the COVID-19 panic.

The Seattle Times recently ran an article about coronavirus death totals in the State of Washington. Buried in the article is info that “About five cases involved COVID-positive people whose deaths involved gunshot wounds.”

A man in Cortez, Colorado named Sebastian Yellow died of alcohol poisoning in a city park on May 4. His death is now officially counted as a coronavirus death.


Several prominent doctors have blown the whistle on practices at some U.S. hospitals whereby officials categorize many deaths as COVID-19 deaths which were not caused by the virus. Dr. Annie Bukacek, a Montana physician who has signed death certificates for 30 years, recently said that medical directors throughout her region are pressuring doctors to write ‘coronavirus’ on death certificates–even without testing and without sufficient evidence. A directive by the Division of Vital Statistics for the National Center for Health Statistics, titled “COVID-19 Alert No. 2,” directs doctors to write COVID-19 as an underlying cause of death wherever it might be assumed, even without testing.

Hospitals are incentivized to increase their stated COVID death tolls by Medicare reimbursements of $39,000 for every proclaimed COVID death. Many hospitals and nursing homes were desperate for cash when governors forced them to close their doors to much non-COVID-related care.

Similar claims have also been made by Senator Dr. Scott Jensen from Minnesota who said Hospitals are getting paid more to list patients as COVID-19.

A viral video by two Bakersfield, California physicians, Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, also indicated that U.S. doctors are being pressured to write COVID on death certificates. The video was seen by 4 million people in late April but is now banned by Youtube. A search for the video on Google generates a list of pro-government sites criticizing the now-elusive video.

In late April, a Project Veritas reporter spoke with Michael Lanza, director of Staten Island’s Colonial Funeral Home. “To be honest with you,” said Lanza, “all of the death certificates are writing COVID on it, they’re writing COVID on all the death certificates. Whether they had a positive test or didn’t.”

Joseph Antioco, the director of Brooklyn’s Schaeffer Funeral Home, told another undercover journalist that “They’re putting everything as COVID-19, so they’re padding the numbers.” “Two weeks ago, I had a 40-year-old man that died in his house, okay? They didn’t even go to the house,” but nonetheless wrote up his death as a COVID death based on claims the deceased had a fever.

Just 4 powermad governors caused half of America’s coronavirus deaths

Just 4 states: New York, New Jersey, Michigan and Massachusetts, account for over half of America’s reported coronavirus deaths.

Ironically, those 4 states are the states where governors were most extreme in their supposed efforts to fight the dreaded virus. Michigan’s governor even banned gardening and banned people who owned two residences from traveling between their homes.

The New York Post announced on May 29 that New York’s largest hospital is now asking if its overuse of ventilators–incentivized by Medicare reimbursements as well as Governor Andrew Cuomo–contributed to that state’s highest-among-states death count.

“For so many sick COVID-19 patients, getting attached to a mechanical ventilator was a death sentence.” Some medical experts suggest that forcing the high-pressure air pumps onto weak patients actually caused many deaths.

But Medicare pays hospitals $13,000 for every patient placed on a ventilator, and $39,000 for every patient who is said to have died from coronavirus.

This of course incentivizes hospitals to overuse ventilators–and to pad or increase numbers of deaths.

Governors in New York, New Jersey and Michigan actually may also have increased deaths by forcing infections into nursing homes. They did this by requiring the facilities to accept infected patients. Cuomo declared that nursing homes “don’t have a right to object.”

Thousands died.

When government takes over agriculture: millions stand in food lines while millions more pounds of food rots and farmers go broke

A shocking story in Politico details the utter lunacy of the U.S. government’s COVID-19 measures on American agriculture.

In a free market, agricultural producers stay tuned to demand from grocery markets and restaurants. Farmers supply foodstuffs in close relation to market signals from months or seasons earlier.

But in a government-directed, centrally planned economy, government plays middleman. It disrupts market signals and takes over market behavior. Government becomes food supplier as well as director of agriculture.

As of April 26, 2020, millions of Americans are now standing in government lines for food. Simultaneously, America’s farmers are forced to dump millions of pounds of fresh produce into waste pits. Governments everywhere has ordered all restaurants closed in supposed response to the Coronavirus outbreak.

Increasing data show the Coronavirus poses less than a 1% mortality risk

Government regulations DO NOT improve quality; they simply make products more expensive

Economist Mark Perry has studied the effect of government regulation on industries for many years. His research shows that wherever goods and services are freest, prices go down while quality and innovation constantly improve. Examples are televisions, electronics, and cell phones.

But products and services which are subject to the most regulation (such as education, health care and housing) become more expensive over time, in relation to other goods. See here.
This lesson seems to be lost on most government trusters, who often argue that government supports and regulations of health care, education and housing are needed to help the poor and needy.

U.S. Government refuses to allow anonymous at-home COVID-19 test kits

The history of government slave plantation healthcare is the history of government efforts to sicken, weaken, harm, expose and kill the American people.

Every government so-called health care program has had the same financial effect: such programs artificially increase demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise.

For centuries—millennia, actually—the law has recognized medical privacy. Doctors and nurses swear to keep medical information secret from the whole world—including the government.

This ancient duty goes back to the original Hippocratic Oath—which every physician takes. The original writings of Hippocrates (from 400 B.C.!) state: “What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.”

But governments have fought a continuous war to invade medical privacy. Obamacare was a major step for the government to build a pathway to monitor and track people’s medical histories. Obamacare required, for the first time, that the medical industry move toward computerized medical records. Well-regarded doctors have recently been stripped of their medical licenses for refusing to participate in the government’s electronic records agenda.


Much commentary regarding the Coronavirus scare has focused on testing. But the FDA has repeatedly stopped private companies from manufacturing home testing kits. See here: https://www.fox43.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/home-testing-kits-for-covid19-blocked-by-the-fda/521-a2c73b1c-d26b-49a6-bec5-b1cd5988a64e.

Why does the government fight so hard to make everyone get tested only at government-licensed clinics? Good question. It certainly isn’t about health.

The FDA first allowed private over-the-counter at-home test kits for HIV in the year 2012 (!). The stigma attached to HIV and AIDS kept millions of Americans from getting tested, and the government’s demand for control over testing caused tens if not hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths over four decades.

The Coronavirus scare has engendered a push for the government to track and grant or deny access of people to work, travel, gather or recreate according to government knowledge of everyone’s testing status.

Government testing areas all require photo ID documents to access testing. And test results must go through government-controlled electronic databases. One site we saw in St. George, Utah indicates that COVID-19 test results will be emailed (by the government) to subjects.

News media sources in India are ordered to carry the official government version of COVID-19 developments

India’s highest court has ordered news media and social media sites to carry the government’s “official version” of developments regarding the alleged Coronavirus crisis, to curb independent reporting.