If Americans only had the courage to do nothing, and unleash the power of capitalism on health care, prices would come quickly down so that the poorest consumers could afford quality health care.
Hobos, bums and vagabonds could afford quality health care if the government got out of it. Just look at the telecommunications industry (which is largely unregulated). One can find hobos under bridges with Iphones.
Unfortunately, U.S. policymakers (not the least of whom is the current president) have embarked on a policy of vast regulation and subsidies regarding the health care industry. This increases demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise. The rising prices cause politicians to promise further government “fixes”–which further cause prices to rise.
Now the New York Times–one of the greatest cheerleaders for Obama’s slave-plantation-style “Affordable Care Act”–is reporting that Obamacare is causing annual rate increases of 20 – to 50 percent. The article is here.
The Times article includes a number of details. It is well worth reading, if only for the laughs.
Prior to Obamacare, rate increases were “only” 15 to 20 percent. This was, of course, faster than inflation. For, like 35 years. Due to government regulations such as Medicare and Medicaid.
Never underestimate the incompetence and evil of the state.