US President Requests BILLIONS to “counter disinformation”

Hidden in the details of US President Biden’s $33 billion supplemental budget allocation to aid Ukraine is a clause dedicating 8.8 billion dollars to

“the Department of State for economic support and assistance to the people of Ukraine and other affected countries, including direct budgetary support, as well as support for food security, democracy, anticorruption, cybersecurity, counter-disinformation, human rights, atrocity documentation, energy, and emergency infrastructure needs.” {pdf page 41} The request specifically authorizes the transfer of these funds globally, outside of Ukraine.”

To put this in perspective, $8.8 billion is greater than the annual budgets of several US states. It is greater than annual spending on border security. It is greater than the total spending on US election campaigns.

Has Elon Musk stumbled upon Information that Twitter is Secretly Subsidized by the US Government?

Astounding revelations are tumbling out of the Elon Musk proposal to purchase Twitter. Or conspiracy theories; depending on one’s perspective.

Tech analysts at the Conservative Tree House and elsewhere have spent thousands of hours studying Twitter’s business model. They contend that Twitter simply cannot exist without massive secret support from immensely deep pockets.

“In the big picture of tech platforms, Twitter, as an operating model, is a massive high-user commenting system.” “There is no business model where Twitter is financially viable to operate…. UNLESS the tech architecture under the platform was subsidized.”

“In my opinion, there is only one technological system and entity that could possibly underwrite the cost of Twitter to operate. That entity is the United States Government.”

“If my hunch is correct, Elon Musk is poised to expose the well-kept secret that most social media platforms are operating on U.S. government tech infrastructure and indirect subsidy.” “The backbone of Twitter is the United States government.”

“There is simply no way the Fourth Branch of Government, the U.S. intelligence system writ large, is going to permit that discovery.”

It should be noted that immediately upon Elon Musk announcing his tender offer to purchase Twitter, the US government began attacking Musk for a variety of alleged regulatory violations.

Stay tuned!

“Vaccine hesitancy” among new moms increased significantly during the pandemic. This appears to be correlated with IMPROVED infant mortality rates.

Igor Chudov writes that vaccination of infants massively decreased in Florida in 2021 due to “vaccine hesitancy”. And all cause infant mortality MASSIVELY DECREASED, in a perfect lockstep!

Say what?

Yes. In 2021, parents of newborns in Florida were much more “vaccine hesitant”, for reasons obvious to my readers, and therefore childhood vaccinations decreased from 93.4% previously to only 79.3% in 2021. During the same time, all cause infant mortality under 1 year of age in Florida also DECREASED by 8.93%.

Both changes are huge.

And this decrease in infant mortality happened as deaths of other age groups increased significantly.

Masks have failed every test

Tech genius Steve Kirsch has been relentlessly analyzing last year’s widely-publicized Bangladesh mask study. Kirsch recently engaged the lead author of the study in an exhaustive review discussion regarding the study.

(The Bangladesh study was trumpeted on the front pages of every major newspaper in the fall of 2021. Many newspapers blared headlines such as “Study Proves Masks Work.”)

But after Kirsch’s back-and-forth debate with the Yale University professor behind the study, one expert said that the publicized conclusions were “worse than just sloppy work.” “This is bordering on fraud.”

“In short,” writes Kirsch, “the Bangladesh mask study again failed to prove that masks make a difference.”

“For example, here’s the graph for purple cloth masks. If masks worked, it would be highly unlikely for these curves to be on top of each other. For some strange reason, graphs such as these were omitted from the paper. Can you guess why??? Yes, it’s because the study was designed to fit the narrative.”

Kirsch writes that there have only been two randomized trials testing the hypothesis that masks can reduce the spread of COVID.

(Prior to COVID, every study of mask effectiveness vis-a-vis similar diseases such as influenza, showed virtually no effectiveness.)

“The first one, in Denmark, was negative. Masks made no difference. But in order to get the study published, they had to change the science to match the narrative. This was all well documented in the BMJ, one of the few honest journals left.”

The second one, in Bangladesh, claimed masks are effective. It is the study that all the “experts” seized upon. “See, masks work!!”

But Kirsch demonstrates that the Bangladesh study did not properly categorize study groups or scrutinize data.

So now you know why we can’t find any authority who wants to debate our team on any of our points: they know they will lose. So they make up excuses to avoid being challenged like that we are misinformed, lack credentials, or that they don’t have time for such silliness as defending their study. This is also why there is such an intense focus on censoring, deplatforming, gaslighting, and discrediting us: because they don’t want their bad science to be exposed.

See here.

Did Rachel Maddow Refuse to Pump CIA Wars? MSNBC is Paying Her $30 Million to work ONE NIGHT PER WEEK

If not for secret payments by CIA, would MSNBC even exist?

In 1975 the US Senate Church Committee found that the CIA was secretly paying major news reporters for pro-government “journalism.” Congress passed no laws prohibiting the practice. Today it is estimated that the CIA likely spends billions annually on “mainstream” “news.”

During the rollout of the Desert Storm war, MSNBC fired two of their highest-paid and highest-rated news commentators–Phil Donahue and Jesse Ventura–when the two commentators said they opposed the war. (Both were paid their entire multi-million-dollar salaries to keep quiet for as long as 3 years.)

Now–as the deep state ramps up war propaganda regarding Russia and Ukraine–MSNBC has announced that its highest-rated news analyst, Rachel Maddow, will be relegated to just one night per week (Mondays!). Maddow has historically expressed antiwar sentiments. The network has mysteriously agreed to pay Maddow her entire $30 million annual salary for a single hour of work per week.

MSNBC lost 60% of its audience among the key news demographic of adults age 25-54, averaging only 87,000 compared to 217,000 last year.

MSNBC now finishes behind such networks as MTV, Nickelodeon, A&E, and Food Network.

Viewers just won’t tune in to watch stale pro-government propaganda.

Meanwhile, other “mainstream” (government supported, government supporting) “news” shows are struggling to attract an audience. Earlier this week it was reported that CNN had spent almost $400 million to launch a new “CNNPlus” streaming network; which has garnered fewer than 10,000 subscribers.

CNN spent $400 million promoting a new pay-for-news pro-government “CNN Plus” streaming network. Just 10,000 people subscribed.

CNN–the greatest contemporary embodiment of “mainstream” news–has spent the past year, and some $400 million, launching “CNN Plus.” But just 10,000 viewers weekly have subscribed to the new channel.

Viewers just won’t pay to watch worn-out, pro-government propaganda. According to Alex Jones of Infowars, the smallest radio station in a small town generally has over 10,000 listeners in a typical week.

According to Alex Jones, Infowars operates for around $27 million dollars annually and average 2 to 3 million viewers for its content.

Rumble receives emails from “news” organizations demanding that Rumble censor “disinfo” (as determined by governments)

Globally the strongest demands for censorship are now coming from “journalists” and “mainstream” (government supporting and supported) news sources. Now the Globe and Mail, Canada’s largest newspaper, is demanding that rising video platform begin censoring government-unapproved content in the same way that Youtube, Google, Facebook and Twitter have done.

Youtube now deletes and prohibits any videos which question the 2020 presidential election, as well as any video containing medical information which is not approved by the World Health Organization. Youtube has also begun deleting and suppressing videos which cast doubt on the government’s climate-doomsday-by-manmade-CO2 theory.

According to a tweet by Rumble, “It is now common that we receive pressure from journalists demanding that we censor more.” See here.

While US government fawns over Ukraine’s Zelensky, Zelensky ARRESTS his political opponent

While America’s CIA news outlets unleash a ceaseless stream of propaganda in favor of Ukraine and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Zelensky himself is becoming one of the world’s most evil tyrants.

The Zelensky government has already banned opposition parties, and censored most political opposition.

Now Ukraine’s secret police have ARRESTED Zelensky’s political opponent, to Zelensky’s delight.

“The President shared a photo of his handcuffed rival Viktor Medvedchuk on social media, with the caption: “A special operation was carried out by the SBU. Well done! Details to follow.”

The SBU is Ukraine’s main intelligence and security agency, founded in 1991 to replace the KGB.

“I consider it especially cynical of him to use military camouflage,” Zelensky later said, mocking Medvedchuk as trying to pose as a “warrior” and “patriot” and proposing to exchange the detained politician for Ukrainian prisoners of war held by Russia.

Medvedchuk heads the second largest party in the national parliament, the “Opposition Platform – For Life.” He was previously placed under house arrest, last year, as part of Zelensky’s clampdown on dissent, which was granted tacit approval by the regime’s Western supporters.

Canada descends further into darkness: government licenses now required for “journalists”

Every government in history has sought to control news reporting about itself. Now Canada is requiring journalists to obtain government licenses.

And only pro-government “journalists” are given such licenses.

Rebel News, Canada’s largest independent news agency, has been denied a license due to its occasional reporting criticizing government operations.

Rebel News is banned from attending government press conferences and many other public events.

The Canadian government is forcing Facebook and Google to downrank Rebel News.

Canadians will now be able to deduct their subscriptions to government-supporting mainstream news outlets.

1,500 Canadian “news” organizations received payments from the government prior to the last election to reward them for reporting on government themes such as the COVID-19 PANIC. None of these media organizations reported on these payments at the time.

Baltimore Cops Ran Over a Running Victim with a Car, then Planted a BB Gun on him

On March 26, 2014, Sgt. Wayne Jenkins, the leader of Baltimore’s disgraced Gun Trace Task Force, called fellow Sgt. Keith Gladstone, saying he had run over an arrestee. Jenkins asked Gladstone to bring him a toy gun to plant on the injured “arrestee.” Many cops carry “throwdown” weapons in their patrol cars for just such occasions. But Jenkins was out of such plantable objects.

Sgt. Gladstone and a detective named Carmine Vignola drove to the home of another Baltimore cop, Robert Hankard, who volunteered a BB gun for planting on the innocent victim (Demetric Simon). The pair then rushed to the scene where Gladstone planted the fake gun on Simon.

Later, all four cops lied, falsely testified and drafted false police reports to cover up their lawless acts. Simon spent 317 days in jail on fraudulent weapons charges.

But years later the case unraveled, and by 2018 all 4 officers were testifying against each other in federal court proceedings. Gladstone is currently awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to planting the BB gun at the scene. He faces up to 10 years in prison. Jenkins was sentenced in 2018 to 25 years in prison. Vignola received an 18-month prison sentence last year after pleading guilty to lying to a grand jury.

Demetric Simon is suing the cops for $17 million.

Now Detective Hankard has been convicted by a jury of falsely testifying to a federal grand jury in a federal investigation and falsifying an application for a search warrant and subsequent police report related to the search of an apartment.

The case has revealed perjury by Baltimore cops in OTHER cases. And it has been revealed that many Baltimore cops are paid more than public records indicate.