Another Government-Subsidized ‘Green’ Energy Company Fails

john carter

For years, trusters of government have promoted ‘green’ energy schemes by which the government subsidizes so-called alternative energy technology.

The goal, supposedly, is to build up solar, wind and other alternative-energy industries, until they can compete with (and ultimately displace) fossil fuels.

It never works. Solar and wind sources cannot stand on their own against coal, oil or natural gas in an open market.

Now Sun-Edison, another solar panel company—heavily government subsidized—has collapsed. See here.

U.S. Postal Service has every advantage; yet still loses a billion dollars annually

Government sucks at almost everything. Its “goods and services” cost more and are of lower quality despite the fact that the government enjoys every possible advantage in the marketplace.

Consider the U.S. Postal Service. It has been losing a billion dollars annually for years. Yet “it enjoys a range of government-conferred benefits. It has monopolies on first-class mail (letters under 13 ounces) and standard mail (bulk advertising items). It also has a monopoly on access to mailboxes, which is a unique protection among postal systems in the world.

Furthermore, the USPS borrows from the U.S. Treasury at subsidized interest rates, pays no federal or state taxes, is excluded from local zoning laws, and has the power of eminent domain. But even with these advantages, the USPS loses money.”

See here.

Too much government; a million too few doctors


CBS Marketwatch has published a frightening report of America’s near future. Americans will face a doctor shortage of up to a million physicians as overregulation, overinsurance and stupid government “health care” mandates and subsidies take their tolls. See here.

Government overregulation subsidizes demand without increasing supply causing prices to rise. The poor have been largely locked out of health care as Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare and other policies pile an endless burden of rules, laws and regulations upon the medical sector.

Few people facing medical school are willing to put themselves a quarter-million dollars in debt to face an uncertain future of constant badgering and endless red tape.

Government has been pouring on regulations to ‘help the poor,’ yet the poor and minorities are poorer than ever


Government supremacists routinely argue for more government to ‘help the poor.’ Yet government regulations invariably harm the poor and cement the positions of the rich.

Since the beginning of 21st century, the U.S. government has become increasingly “progressive”: with more regulations, higher tax rates, and a greater tax burden on ‘the rich.’

Yet “acccording to the Federal Reserve, while white households’ median wealth slightly increased from 2010 to 2013, Hispanic households’ net worth dropped 14 percent, while black net worth fell from $16,600 to $11,000 — a three-year drop of 34 percent.” See here.

The poor increasingly face difficulties due to government licensing schemes–which generally make it difficult for people with criminal records or few resources to work in rewarding industries.

In popular nomenclature, a “moderate” means a pro-government extremist

Merrick Garland

Reason Magazine’s Barton Hinkle carefully analyzed the judicial record of Merrick Garland, the D.C. judge nominated by President Obama to replace Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court. See here.

Garland has been widely described in the pro-government media as “moderate.” This, according to Hinkle, means that Garland tends to rule for the government and against the private sector on business or property cases, and also tends to rule for the government on law enforcement cases.

Reason Magazine perfectly nails the real description of Garland. He is a pro-government extremist.

Under Cuban socialism, hookers could be had for toothpaste

Government-funded professors of social science frequently extoll the supposed virtues of socialism, ‘single-payer’ government healthcare, and ‘free’ college, entitlements, and redistribution.

Here is a Jon Stossel interview of Gloria Alvarez, a Cuban-American who recounts that under Castro’s centrally-planned government economy, Cuban hookers could be had for a tube of toothpaste. See the interview at 3:20

Another top European journalist admits that some of his ‘news’ stories were written by U.S. government officials


The “mainstream” press is dying. Alternative sources of information are blossoming.

Several prominent “mainstream” journalists have recently come forward and admitted that many “news stories” found in the most prominent newspapers and TV news broadcasts are entirely generated by government agencies. In fact, “reporters” are explicitly paid to print the stories, and threatened with firing if they refuse!

News readers have long recognized that most large-circulation newspapers tend to report news from a pro-government perspective. Viewers and readers are increasingly recognizing that one must look to alternative sources for the truth. See here.

Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland helped cover up Oklahoma bombing case 20 years ago

Merrick Garland

Merrick Garland, the man selected by President Obama to replace Justice Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court, helped the Justice Department conceal and cover up important evidence regarding the Oklahoma City bombing during the 1990s.

William Grigg’s column is here.

Twenty years ago, Garland was a Justice Department lawyer working to keep lawyers for Timothy McVeigh (and other lawyers) from getting their hands on evidence of the government’s undercover role in causing the Oklahoma City bombing, and the related murder of Ken Trentadue.

Atlantic Sea Levels have been FALLING for 6 Years

Polar Bears -Ursus maritimus-, female and juvenile on an ice floe in the pack ice, Spitsbergen Island, Svalbard Archipeligo, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Norway

Polar Bears -Ursus maritimus-, female and juvenile on an ice floe in the pack ice, Spitsbergen Island, Svalbard Archipeligo, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Norway

A central claim among government-funded climate scientists is that manmade global warming is causing sea levels to rise.

This claim was part of the UN IPPCC report(s) and has been a primary feature of government central planning. Hundreds of millions– –if not billions of dollars have been taken from taxpayers to bolster and promote this ‘seas are rising’ agenda.

A prominent Navy admiral has been touring the country speaking about the ‘national security’ implications of sea-level rise.

But the data is not there. In fact, sea levels on the east coast appear to be lowering. See here.

Health care premiums have risen nearly double the rate of inflation for at least a decade


Government has made health care vastly more expensive. By subsidizing demand, government programs like Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid have made health care out of reach for most poor people.

Moreover, Americans HAVE TOO MUCH health insurance (due to government programs):

First, the excess of health insurance actually drives up cost. The more insurance for a procedure, the more expensive it is. Health inflation and premiums has been rising by nearly double the consumer price index for at least the last decade. This is also why there are so many frivolous procedures performed. Patients have been removed from the decision-making process.

See this article by Stephen Moore.