Category: The police state

Under “campaign finance” laws, Wisconsin became a political surveillance state

Forget the Alien & Sedition Acts, the Palmer Raids, the Red Scare or the McCarthy Hearings. The greatest threat to freedom of speech and press in American history is the scam known as “campaign finance reform.” Government tyrants and despots have a thousand ways to influence elections to promote more powerful government. They secretly (and …

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Secret police, surveillance, and detentions: Chinese government “disappears” thousands of Muslims

According to the Associated Press, Chinese Muslims are being secretly arrested, imprisoned, or killed on a massive scale. The Chinese government views its Uighur minority as a national security threat. The student’s friends think he joined the thousands — possibly tens of thousands — of people, rights groups and academics estimate, who have been spirited …

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Brazil descends into government control, socialism and mass violence

For years Brazil has been the leader of South American tourism and commerce. But yesterday’s New York Times featured a story on Brazil’s descent into violence over the past couple years. Last year, there were 61,619 people killed across Brazil. At least 800 of those killings were by police. The Times story suggests that government …

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A month ago, Catalonians who supported independence were less than 50 %; now, after Spanish repression and hundreds of injuries, they vote 92% to secede

Catalonia is the wealthiest district of Spain. It has the highest standard of living in the entire country, and Catalonians are more geographically and culturally related to the French. Just a month ago, most Catalonians disfavored a referendum to secede from Spain. But weeks of repression by the Spanish government, with thousands of government troops …

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Police state takes over Florida

Floridians who complied with government orders that they evacuate their homes prior to Hurricane Irma are now finding that government bars them from returning afterward. The Miami Herald has published some disturbing photos and videos of Americans stopped at police roadblocks simply for trying to return to their homes. See here. During times of crisis …

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Civil rights violations on a massive scale as Hurricane Irma approaches U.S.

When natural disasters strike, people would be much safer if governments were nowhere in sight. People naturally cope and overcome such disasters with spontaneous order. But governments in the modern era are so gorged on money and power that natural disasters simply fuel their drive to control, cage, kill, and destroy. Now the AP reports …

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32 people killed in one day of “law enforcement” raids by Philippine government

The streets of Philippinnes cities turned red with blood in the past week as Philippine “police” unleashed a torrent of violent raids upon the population. Shockingly Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is urging police to kill dozens of drug suspects every day, as he praised officers who shot dead 32 people this week in “shock and …

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IRS accused Texas bridal shop of “structuring” deposits under $10,000. When the owners resisted, the IRS shuttered the store, seized all inventory and “auctioned” it off for pennies on the dollar

Astounding story of a small bridal shop in a suburb of Dallas. See here. It seems that the IRS accused the shop’s owners– Tony Thangsongcharoen, 68, and his wife, Somnuek Thangsongcharoen, 72–of “structuring”: making bank deposits just under $10,000 to avoid federal “reporting requirements.” The IRS shut down the small business and quickly held an …

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The arrogance of power: New Jersey Governor Christie relaxed on a “public” beach after his armed thugs threatened to arrest any commoners who approached

This is what government supremacists mean by “access to public lands.” Pictured above: the obese governor of New Jersey enjoys a State Beach with his own family while his government thugs bar the public from the beach. New Jersey’s high-taxing legislature has been wrestling over yet another immense State budget. While the New Jersey legislature …

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Prison authorities admit they “unintentionally” listened in on attorney/client meetings at Guantanamo Bay

Just 20 years ago most people would have laughed if you told them that the United States would soon hold people in prison for decades without warrant, without charge, and without trial. Now there have been “terrorist” suspects in Guantanamo Bay–with the U.S. flag flying above them–for 15 years without charge (and mostly without evidence). …

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