Category: The Cult of the Omnipotent State

Government of Virgin Islands issues order allowing authorities to seize guns ahead of Hurricane Irma

During disasters and extreme weather, people often find their own government is a greater source of danger than their weather concerns. Every government ultimately comes for all property, all money, all freedom, and to kill or cage all who resist. Governments frequently wait for opportunities to disarm their subjects, and natural disasters provide one of …

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Turkish government arrests film maker for making documentary about Turkish government

The world’s safest profession: being a pro-government news reporter or observer. The world’s most dangerous profession: being an anti-government news reporter or observer. In recent years the Turkish government has arrested hundreds of critics–including comedians, reporters and actors–for such crimes as terrorism and sedition. Now there is a report that movie director Ali Avci has …

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The arrogance of power: New Jersey Governor Christie relaxed on a “public” beach after his armed thugs threatened to arrest any commoners who approached

This is what government supremacists mean by “access to public lands.” Pictured above: the obese governor of New Jersey enjoys a State Beach with his own family while his government thugs bar the public from the beach. New Jersey’s high-taxing legislature has been wrestling over yet another immense State budget. While the New Jersey legislature …

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Serial killers and rapists often rely on people’s blind trust in authority

Government schools, many civic groups, and some churches promote cop worship as a civic duty. This culture-wide cop- and soldier-worship allows for many abuses. Many serial killers and serial rapists rely on people’s trust of cops to victimize the public. Some wear cop clothing and pull over single women in rural areas to prey upon …

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Thailand government orders man jailed for 35 years for insulting the monarchy

Every government ultimately comes for all freedom, all property, all money, and to kill all who resist. Statistically, the average person in the world is more likely to be killed by his own government than by any foreign government, any terrorist, or any criminal. Now a man in Thailand has been sentenced to 35 years …

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Americans elect Republicans to cut government, and get . . . more government

Vast majorities of American voters have spoken. They want smaller, less intrusive government. For years, Americans have elected “conservative” Republicans who promise to cut government. Now, finally, Republicans control BOTH chambers of Congress, the presidency, the Supreme Court, the majority of state legislatures and the majority of state governorships. But the most recent budget agreement …

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New CIA director declares war on free speech rather than on actual adversaries of the United States

The Washington Post has published an essay by the courageous Julian Assange about Mike Pompeo, the new director of the CIA. In “his first speech as director of the CIA,” according to Assange, Pompeo “chose to declare war on free speech rather than on the United States’ actual adversaries.” See here. Pompeo described WikiLeaks as …

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FDA requires that all restaurant menus include calorie information, and then defines “menu” to include everything from coupons to sales ads

The diabolical reach of the federal government knows almost no bounds. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration imposed a rule that all restaurant “menus” must include calorie data regarding every product. That rule alone imposed millions of dollars of unnecessary costs on the restaurant industry. (Many restaurants and food chains–such as McDonalds–have long been volunteering …

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Government now stealing newborn babies from parents who refuse to get Social Security numbers for the babies

Here is a news story for anyone who thinks America is a free society. Two proud parents in Alabama went to pick up their newborn baby from a hospital only to find that the government had stolen their baby. The reason: the parents were unfit because they refused to “apply for” (apparently meaning accept) a …

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U.S. Homeland Security tried to hack into Georgia election computers

It is a recurring theme among government trusters that suspicions of election fraud are unfounded. Except that, out of the other side of their mouths, those pushing for expansive government assert that the States’ election computers are vulnerable to “hacking” by foreigners. Thus, Homeland Security should take over the States’ election programming. This year, after …

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