Is libertarianism a fringe ideology, pushed by a tiny minority? Since 2002, Gallup has been asking Americans if they think the government is too powerful. Today, Gallup published its polling data for 2015. Fully SIXTY PERCENT now say the federal government has too much power. See here. The view that the current federal government has …
Category: Socialist Lies
Sep 26
Castro lived like a king among the impoverished subjects of socialist Cuba
Haters of capitalism routinely invoke the specter of “income inequality” and talk often of the gap between rich and poor. Yet never is that gap larger than in socialist countries which have driven out capitalism. Witness North Korea, where government leaders reside in palaces surrounded by fearful starving servants. Or witness socialist Cuba under Fidel …
Sep 22
The Government One-Percenters: Average New York School Custodian is Paid More than $100,000 Annually
Government trusters seeking to further socialize America, to raise taxes even further, to abolish (private-sector) money in politics, and further empower government must conceal certain discomforting facts. Government workers are paid at least one-and-one-half-times what private workers are paid for the same work. (In fact, careful analysis which factors in vacation time and benefits shows …
Aug 22
Venezuelan Government Declares Martial Law to Fight “Smugglers”
Every economic regulation–whether laws governing labor, product quality, or prices of goods or services–creates a black market. And socialist countries which seek to regulate everything suffer (or, rather, experience the comforts and joys of) black markets in every commodity and industry. Here is a recent BBC story about efforts to thwart free-market transactions in Venezuela–a …
Aug 17
Whole Foods CEO: America’s professors tend to hate capitalism because they subconsciously envy business leaders
John Mackey is the cofounder and CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation, Whole Foods. As many libertarians know, Mr. Lackey identifies as something of a libertarian, and he has made a number of fairly courageous statements about various state-authoritarian policies (such as the government’s slave-plantation healthcare). Here is a decent interview of Mr. Mackey by …
Aug 13
Poll: Americans are largely ignorant of the country’s tax structure
For years, politicians have won elections by claiming a desire to tax “the rich” at higher rates. This incessant messaging has even percolated into the debate over campaign finance, where activists routinely claim that “the rich” are controlling American politics by their political spending. But the actual tax distribution of the United States shows that …
Aug 09
Venezuelans resort to pet medications to survive
Socialism is a curse that one should wish only on a hated enemy. To adopt it is to set a course toward gradual poverty, sickness, weakness, pollution and disease. The only question is when. Venezuelans have voted for hard-line socialist politicians (such as the enigmatic Hugo Chavez) for decades. Venezuela has adopted “single-payer” (slave plantation) …
Aug 03
Puerto Rico outvoted government-cutting governor and enthroned an advocate of expansive government; Now Puerto Rico is Defaulting.
Today, August 3, 2015, Puerto Rico failed to make a $58 million dollar payment on its debt. See here. The defaulting commonwealth is some $70 BILLION in debt. But just a few years ago, Puerto Rico was on a path to economic growth and dynamism. Puerto Rican voters elected Luiz Fortuno as their governor in …
Jul 28
“Almost Half” of Government “Temperature Data” is Now Fake
According to climatologist Steven Goddard, “Almost half of all reported US temperature data is now fake. [The government] fill[s] in missing rural data with urban data to create the appearance of non-existent US warming.” See here.As the globe continues its long-term cooling trend, the climate-change-socialist movement appears to be simply faking the data. Goddard states …
Jul 11
Pope Spews Satanic Lies
Somebody’s gotta say it. The current Pope of the Catholic Church is spewing utter falsehoods that have been so repeatedly disproven that only a knowing deceiver could spread them. Socialism has impoverished, starved and killed millions. For centuries, those who have trusted their governments to dispense food, shelter, clothing or medical care have watched as …