Category: Orwellian America

Further evidence that modern America increasingly resembles the Soviet Union

U.S. Military Contractors Post Craigslist Ad Seeking ‘Crisis Actors’ for Upcoming “Drill” has broken a story wherein a U.S. intelligence or military contractor has posted a Craigslist ad seeking “actors” for an upcoming military “exercise.” Infowars notes that the “exercise” appears to be timed to coincide with the Democratic National Convention and speculates that the military-industrial complex may seek to stage a false flag ‘terror’ attack …

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Update: California legislature is tabling ‘climate skeptic criminalization’ bill

Breaking! Yesterday it made national news that a California legislator had introduced a bill to criminalize climate skepticism as an ‘unfair trade practice.’ Californians were to obey the State and utter agreement with the State’s apocalyptic global warming theory. Today there are more details. It turns out the bill actually made its way out of …

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4th Circuit Court of Appeals: Government May Track Americans by Cell Phones without Warrant

Astounding blow to privacy from the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia. See here. For years the government has been arguing that any information you give up to a “3rd party” is not “private.” Thus, the government may intercept it without so much as a warrant. Although warrants are necessary for government …

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Minnesota cities claim to be able to search rental apartments without warrant to ensure good housekeeping

Astounding story from the Institute for Justice. Government control freaks in Golden Valley, Minnesota claim they have the right to search any rental apartment in order to ensure the apartment is clean and tidy. Golden Valley and other Minnesota towns seek evidence-free “administrative” warrants to search rental homes. The Institute for Justice is challenging the …

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U.S. Senators Push Harder for Bill to Prohibit Private Encryption

It is the dream of every tyrant: to hold all power over others’ property and resources, to know all things about others while entrenching government privacy, and to kill all who resist. Now a group of power-gorged U.S. Senators are pushing (again) for a bill to ban (private-sector) encryption. See here. The king’s keys must …

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Little Rock, Arkansas has only one taxi business because of overregulation

Governments everywhere have overregulated transportation and travel. In typical regulatory schemes, a good-ol-boy taxi service lobbies for laws that prevent competitors from starting up and competing with them. The laws are generally passed with assurances that the laws are needed to “protect the public” from dangerous, unsafe, diseased cabbies, etc. Of course, the laws create …

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D.C. Police raid homes based on little or no evidence

American criminal justice has collapsed. Decades of pro-government rulings by the courts have opened the door to wholesale violations of basic protections by unaccountable police. Now the Washington Post — -which generally trumpets the claims of the government — –has finally taken notice of the practice of police raiding homes armed with “search warrants” based …

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Government launches major campaign to promote its surveillance agenda; accuses Apple of using the issue as a marketing strategy

The Justice Department has embarked on a national advertising campaign to drum up public support for forcing the makers of the iPhone to unlock the device used by alleged San Bernardino killers. It seems that FBI agents themselves are to blame for the locked-up iPhone. They bunglingly reset the password while trying to hack into …

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Lawyers imbed drastic new criminal penalties into “Trans-Pacific Partnership”–after it was supposedly finalized!

The TPP (“Trans-Pacific Partnership”) was enacted as a trade treaty by political insiders, despite being imposed by vast democratic majorities within the countries that supposedly agreed to it. The Electronic Freedom Foundation recently discovered that after the TPP was supposedly finalized (and after the original text was released in November 2015) the original text was …

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Government purports to issue “travel ban” for New York City

Under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, every person has freedom of movement and travel. Such rights are fundamental, natural rights, and it was once understood that any person had a right to use violence against any government official who tried to interfere with them. Including deadly violence if necessary. (Don’t believe me? Read Roger …

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