Category: Government’s War on the Poor

24 % of Americans Do Not Have a Single Dollar Saved for Emergencies

Study upon study shows that the American people are increasingly saving little or nothing in response to government policies. If you save anything in modern America, you are an utter fool. Near-zero interest rates, Social Security and Medicare incentivize Americans to save nothing. “About 1 in 4 literally have no emergency savings. A survey released …

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Idaho government continues to ban unlicensed makeup artists

Governments everywhere demand that people get government licenses before engaging in certain businesses. Most States require that those who cut hair, perform manicures or help others with makeup must first go through hundreds of hours of government-approved ‘training’ before doing so. Such licensing laws keep poor people down by preventing them from starting businesses or …

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Almost half of Americans die broke in response to government policies

Years of government policies which punish saving, investing and working have taken their toll. USA Today reports that 69% of adults have less than $1,000 in the bank, and 34% said they actually don’t have any savings at all. And a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that almost half of Americans …

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San Diego spikes minimum wage; 4,000 restaurant jobs lost almost immediately

When the price of any commodity rises, demand falls. This iron law of economics applies even to labor. Advocates of minimum wage laws (which allow government rather than the market to set wages) believe in a fantasy: that when politicians order wages to increase they are helping poor people. The reality is precisely the opposite. …

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Government is the biggest burglar of all: “asset forfeiture” actions in 2014 took more money than all (nongovernment) burglaries combined

While Americans slept, government has been drastically increasing its numbers of “asset forfeitures” against innocent Americans (who are not charged with any offense). U.S. attorneys seized an estimated $12.6 billion between 1989 and 2010. And the numbers grew rapidly over that period. The growth rate during that time averaged +19.4% annually. Analysis by Armstrong Economics …

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Government causes poverty: Massive welfare spending in San Antonio makes people less educated, more desperate

For the past 5 years, the federal government has poured $54 million in government aid into an impoverished neighborhood in San Antonio, Texas. The welfare program has apparently may have set the tiny, 3.5 square mile neighborhood back. The San Antonio Express reports more high school graduates (79.4%) require remedial courses to enter college today …

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Obamacare has driven up insurance deductibles and cost millions of jobs

Americans have voted overwhelmingly against government over the past several elections. They elected Republicans in droves during the 2010, 2014 and 2016 election cycles upon promises made by such Republicans that they would repeal Obamacare. Studies show that around half of all working Americans are made to pay higher deductibles for medical insurance. Obamacare has …

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Venezuelan government “bans” bread lines and arrests bakers in response to bread lines

Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on an enemy. Just 20 years ago, Venezuelans were the wealthiest people in Latin America. Then they voted for socialism. Today, Venezuelans starve in the streets, eat out of dumpsters and die in knife fights in the streets while fighting over dollar bills. Now, facing a …

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57 % of Americans can’t write a $500 check

Years of government impositions which punish savers and entrepreneurs have taken their toll on Americans. Social Security, Medicare, and other programs disincentivize people from saving and investing. Near-zero interest rates incentivize debt. Government licensing laws prevent the poor from entering rewarding careers. Minimum-wage laws prevent employers from offering entry-level positions to people needing jobs and …

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Government regulations are creating a less mobile society

American history has been defined by innovation and mobility. But increasingly, government regulations, licenses and “benefits” are forcing Americans to stay put. See here. “The percentage of Americans moving every year is less than half that of a half-century ago and down significantly since the early 1990s.”