Greece, like the United States (and most other countries) has a government that has been spending beyond its means for decades. As Greece’s government has promoted an extravagant welfare state, fewer Greeks have started businesses, or worked industriously. Now Greece is nearing (another, more severe) defaulting on its promises to the central banks of Europe. …
Category: Government’s reckless spending
Jun 16
Average American now Says Government Wastes 51 Cents out of Every Dollar
Gallup has been polling Americans since 1979 regarding how much out of every dollar they think the government wastes. Answers have always varied widely, but when the question was first asked in 1979, the average American said the federal government wastes about 40 cents of every dollar. Over the years, this assessment of waste has …
Apr 24
Montana Legislature–dominated by “tea party” Republicans for a decade–passes budget MORE THAN DOUBLING State spending since 2011
The state of Montana is often identified as a “red” western state dominated by libertarian-conservative voters. Its legislature meets only once every two years and legislative candidates tend to get elected upon promises to limit government. The past 3 legislative sessions have seen the most Republican-dominated chambers in Montana history. Yesterday, April 23, 2015, the …
Apr 24
Federal Employees Are Now so Overpaid that Federal Agencies Set Job Applicant Limits
Statistically, a federal employee is more likely to die than to quit. Federal employees are paid so much that many hundreds–or even thousands–of applicants now apply for some federal openings, such as openings in the U.S. Postal Service. In the private sector, this would signal a basic “supply versus demand” solution: wages would be adjusted …
Apr 21
This is What Happens When Governments Fail: Greece Begins Confiscating Cash Held in Local City Bank Accounts.
Over time, almost every government comes for all money, all freedom, all property, and to kill all who resist. Today’s Greek government is a case in point: for years, Greek politicians have overspent, expanded their jurisdiction, expanded regulations and raised taxes. Now the country is so deep in debt that the central bankers of the …
Mar 26
High Taxes and Expansive Government Destroyed the Roman Empire
According to Herbert Spencer, “The Man Versus the State” (1982, page 60), In Gaul, during the decline of the Roman Empire, “so numerous were the receivers in comparison with the payers, and so enourmous the weight of taxation, that the labourer broke down, the plains became deserts, and woods grew where the plough had been.” …
Mar 23
FBI Agents Are Now Paid More than Doctors or Lawyers
Trusters of government can often be heard griping about the “one percent.” Often, these delusional government trusters call for more government; more government regulators of industry, more laws and regulations to control businesses, and slave-plantation-level taxation on industry. Yet increasingly, the one percenters can be found in the ranks of government bureaucrats. Consider that the …
Mar 21
Decades of Extravagant Spending on Public Education Have Produced Few Good Results
Cato Institute’s Daniel Mitchell describes U.S. spending on public schools in this way: “Never Have so Many Paid so Much to Achieve so Little.” Incredibly, Americans are made to pay more for schooling than the parents of any other society. Yet American students–ranked head to head with students in other countries–perform very poorly. The graph …
Mar 20
Congressional Republicans Introduce Proposed Budget that Increases Spending by at least 4 %; Democrats Cry that Republicans Intend to Slash Spending
If ever there were one graph showing how broken the U.S. government is, it is the graph above. The graph shows the current proposed Republican (“Grand Old Party”) budget in comparison to the Democrats’ suggested budget for the next decade. (Thanks to Daniel Mitchell of Both continue growing government significantly, however some economists hope …
Mar 13
World’s Paper Currencies Are Spiraling Lower in Value
Most Americans believe–quite correctly–that the U.S. government is spending recklessly and that its central bank, the Federal Reserve, is printing currency recklessly to prop up U.S. government finances. However, almost all of the other governments of the world are doing the same thing–and most of them are printing money even faster than the U.S. Federal …