Category: Government-supported media

Governments worldwide have always sought to control discourse. CIA analysts report that it is cheaper for governments to buy a journalist than to buy a hooker.

Whistleblower emerges: Government temp claims were never scientifically verified

More government lies. Remember last year, just ahead of the Paris climate conference when world governments were preparing to commit untold billions of dollars–taken from their subjects–to government climate-change agencies? As the Paris meeting began, EVERY major newspaper in the world announced on its front pages that a new U.S. government study found no pause …

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Only 6 % of Americans trust the news media

A survey by the American Press Institute shows that only 6 percent of Americans trust the major news outlets to provide them with fair and accurate news. See here. As the power of government has grown, more and more news outlets are secretly funded by government agencies to provide a steady stream of government-worshipping content.

Alaska, Russia, and Greenland are experiencing near record cold winters

While the government-funded news media continues to barrage us with claims of manmade global warming (to promote the government’s various power grabs), Russia, Alaska and Greenland are currently experiencing near record cold winters. See here.

German newsman who exposed CIA control of “mainstream news” found dead

Udo Ulfkotte, the German newspaper editor who was fired 2 years ago for reporting on the CIA’s control of most major world newspapers, has been found dead at 56. See here. Reportedly, Ulfkotte died of a heart attack. Ulfkotte exposed the CIA’s payments to most of the world’s top journalists, newspapers and TV news programs. …

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Another fake government “cyber attack”

Fora decade, government supremacists have demanded that people surrender freedom of speech and press and allow the government to take control of the internet. They frequently claim “cyber terrorists” will use the internet to shut down the “power grid” or otherwise disrupt American life. Of course the nation’s power plants are not online and are …

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Pro-government “news” sources say the North Pole is much warmer than normal; but conceal record cold in nearby Greenland and Siberia

Days ago, the government-worshipping New York Times published a headline saying “Spiking Temperatures in the Arctic Startle Scientists.” But the Times fails to mention that the unusual warm temps at the North Pole are a fluke caused by a weather pattern. The same weather pattern has pushed record cold temps into nearby Siberia and Greenland. …

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New York Times is Dying: Pro-Government Newspaper Vacating 8 Floors in its Iconic Building

The New York Times, like all pro-government “news” sources, is dying. Readers won’t pay for its government-subsidized, fake content in the internet age. Now the Times has announced that it will vacate 8 floors in its iconic New York Times building on Times Square to rent them out. See here.

Facebook increasingly networking with government; will launch censorship operation

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has often met secretly with U.S. President Obama at the White House and elsewhere. The corporation–which monitors millions of users–has now launched an operation to regulate its content for “fake news.” “Fake news” is a government-generated meme currently circulating widely in mainstream (i.e., government supporting) news media. The government and its …

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Obvious CIA signature behind current “fake news” fad

It is well documented that the CIA heavily funded mainstream “American culture” throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s. Billions, if not hundreds of billions of dollars have been taken from taxpayers to subsidize “mainstream” (i.e., pro-government) news and entertainment content. Now, after the pro-government establishment was defeated in the 2016 elections, the government newspapers have …

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Washington Post’s “fake news” smear exposed as McCarthyite propaganda

Days ago the Washington Post published (and energetically advertised) a “news story” alleging that the 2016 Trump election was produced by “hundreds” of “fake news” stories created by Russian propagandists. (Of course, the Washington Post itself has been identified as a government CIA propaganda mouthpiece by numerous whistleblowers.) (Senate hearing in the ’70s and ’80s …

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