Category: Government-supported media

Governments worldwide have always sought to control discourse. CIA analysts report that it is cheaper for governments to buy a journalist than to buy a hooker.

Greenwald: NBC and MSNBC are essentially arms of the CIA and U.S. Military

It is well documented that most “mainstream” news is under the pay and support of the government. Now intrepid journalist Glenn Greenwald documents that MSNBC and NBC are knowingly and unapologetically publishing fake news supported by the CIA. Even when the public loudly alerts NBC and MSNBC executives about their false reporting, the networks refuse …

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British financial sector thrives after Brexit

Government trusters everywhere denounced the vote by Brits to leave the European Union two years ago. Almost every pro-government economist, financial columnist and figurehead predicted financial calamity would fall upon the people of Britain for daring to be independent. But a review by Max Colchester and Patricia Kowsmann in the Wall Street Journal finds that …

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Glenn Beck’s media empire crumbles

Pro-government “Conservative” Glenn Beck’s multimedia empire The Blaze “appears to be on its last legs after another round of layoffs,” according to The Daily Beast. TheBlaze once generated a reported $90 million in revenue annually, but has been in a slow motion implosion over the past several years. Top-level managerial shakeups, seemingly ceaseless layoffs, and …

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Mainstream newspaper circulation down another 10 percent in 2017

Alternative news is thriving and Americans have access to more information than ever before. But government-supporting (“mainstream”) newspapers continue to fall in circulation and importance. The Pew Research Center has found that total US daily newspaper circulation, print and digital combined, was down 11 and 10 percent, respectively, from the previous year. (Two major papers, …

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Governments worldwide launch efforts to crush criticism of government, calling it “fake news”

Recently the government of Malaysia voted to ban “fake news” as defined by the government. A new law will punish those who spread misleading information by up to six years in prison. Although the New York Times described the law as the first of its kind, such laws have actually been enacted hundreds of times …

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More layoffs at pro-government newspapers

The pro-government Denver Post employed 600 reporters a decade ago. Last week the paper announced it would soon be cutting its news staff from 90 to about 60. The Chicago Tribune also laid off Fourteen newsroom staffers this week. Last month, the San Jose Mercury News was hit with another round of terminations, as many …

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Denver Post cuts one-third of newsroom jobs

Pro-government, or “mainstream” news sources are dying. Readers won’t pay for government propaganda. Now there is word that the Denver Post is eliminating one-third of its newsroom staff. See here.

Pro-government newspapers continue dying off

The New York Times recently published an expose on the struggles of many mid-size “mainstream” newspapers. The headline: “A West Virginia Newspaper Won Journalism’s Top Award. Now It’s Filed for Bankruptcy.” The story details the struggles of the “Charleston Gazette-Mail,” a typical “mainstream” rag whose reporter Eric Eyre won the Pulitzer Prize last year for …

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Newsweek Magazine Collapses; Editors and Writers Sent Home

“Mainstream,” or government-supporting “news” outlets are dying. Readers and viewers won’t line up to listen to pro-government drivel. In investigation after investigation, many “mainstream” news media sources have been found to be secretly subsidized by government officials and agencies. Now there is further sad news for “Newsweek,” the news magazine which formerly had hundreds of …

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Have glaciers increased in number in Glacier National Park?

It appears that NBC News visited Glacier National Park’s Grinnell Glacier earlier this year. NBC News repeated the claim of government scientists (prevalent everywhere throughout the Park) that the glaciers at GNP are rapidly melting due to apocalyptic-manmade-global-warming. See here. Lysander Spooner University documented in September of this year that GNP’s famed Grinnell Glacier appears …

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