Socialists, elitists and government supremacists have turned America’s colleges into dens of pro-government sentiment and ideological discrimination. Throughout the past 25 years, hundreds of colleges have imposed ‘free speech zones’ to limit anti-government speech and thought. Now the student body at Florida Atlantic University (with 91 % student support) has voted to restore freedom of …
Category: Government-supported “higher education”
Apr 20
University of Delaware tells students they must regulate speech at a free speech table
American colleges have become bastions for pro-government totalitarian ideology and discrimination. Many campuses impose speech codes. The University of Delaware is a government-owned university subject to the Bill of Rights. Yet students who staffed a YAL (Young Americans for Liberty) table were told they couldn’t allow free speech on a ‘free speech ball.’ The students …
Apr 11
Yet another government-funded professor demands climate skeptics be punished
Yet another government-employed professor has publicly demanded that those who doubt the government’s climate theories be punished. See here. Professor Michael E. Kraft is a political science professor at University of Wisconsin–Green Bay. Kraft even suggests that the prosecution of think tanks and skeptical writers “might be a tougher sell, given rights to free speech, …
Apr 08
Government-supported ‘higher education’ is moving even further toward government supremacism
It is widely recognized that government-supported academia lacks diversity of opinion and is generally intolerant of free-market or anti-government ideas. Yet a new study reveals that the percentages of college professors who describe themselves as “far left” or “left” is actually INCREASING. The percentages of all other groups is declining in academia. See here. Although …
Mar 02
More Campus Censorship at California State University
During the 1960s, American-Nazi-Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell often spoke at colleges and universities. Rockwell was hated and despised, and the college audiences occasionally erupted in loud booing; but college administrators reluctantly allowed the spectacles. They submitted to an understanding that public colleges were subject to the First Amendment and could not discriminate or engage …
Mar 01
Another dubious study claims humans are destroying the earth
Even more from the ‘false, but peer-reviewed’ category. The journal Nature recently published a study purporting to show that humans may have unleashed the sixth known mass extinction in Earth’s history. The study lays the blame for this alleged mass extinction on a variety of manmade causes: habitation loss, over-hunting, over-fishing, the spread of germs …
Feb 19
Government University Students Traumatized by Speaker who Criticized Government Ideology
Rutgers University recently allowed a speaker on campus who disagreed with a handful of the big-government principles trumpeted by America’s government colleges. Immediately, afterward, students were so traumatized that they openly cried and attended a group therapy session. Students described “feeling scared, hurt, and discriminated against.” One student reported that he felt “scared to walk …
Dec 26
Scientific American Falls Further: Magazine Now Abandons All Pretext of Objectivity in Pursuit of Climate Socialism
In case one needed more evidence that the “Scientific American” magazine has become a political sheet rather than a science periodical. A December 1, 2015 article in the once-respected science magazine bore the title, “Without Government, the Marketplace Will Not Solve Climate Change.” The political essay, by global-warming hysteric Naomi Oreskes, provided such tidbits as …
Dec 10
Climate Hysteric Michael Mann Speaks at Montana State University
by Roger Roots, 12/10/2015 An amazing spectacle of doublespeak, smoke, and mirrors took a stage at Montana State University in Bozeman on December 9, 2015. At taxpayer expense. Dr. Michael Mann, the overbearing pro-government climate scientist at the heart of the 2009 Climategate scandal, was invited by MSU faculty to lecture a large public audience. …
Dec 10
Public High School Shuts Down “Conservative” Speech Because it “Crossed the Line”
America’s youth concentration camps , er . . . public schools, offer very little education, but provide a great deal of government-supremacist indoctrination. Facts about the relationship between capitalism and prosperity are deemed too radical to be presented to impressionable minds. Students are taught to seek all blessings from the state and its omnipotent ministers. …