Category: Government lies

U.S. government agencies have been caught repeatedly altering arctic sea ice records

Once again, the courageous data analyst Tony Heller has caught U.S. government agencies altering ice history records to make the past seem colder than it was measured (and thereby make the present seem warmer in comparison). Now, Heller and others have uncovered previous government reports showing arctic ice levels growing substantially in the 1970s. More …

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U.S. government temperature data tamperers have erased 1940s warmth in Iceland

The intrepid data analyst Tony Heller has been monitoring the government’s official temperature records for years. The U.S. government’s temp database (maintained by NASA and NOAA and directed by Gavin Schmidt of NASA’s Goddard Space Institute) has been “adjusted” thousands of times to make the past seem colder than it was recorded. The government agencies …

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Even as governments pronounce September to be the ‘hottest on record,’ there are no scientifically calibrated long-term thermometers in place in vast reaches of the earth

The apocalyptic man-made-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide scare has been promoted by government agencies which have been repeatedly caught ‘adjusting’ temp records to prove their case. Now, again, government agencies are pronouncing September to be the ‘hottest on record’–pointing to temp maps which show areas of Africa and the Middle East and stating that September in such regions was …

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FBI operated a high percentage of all child porn sites

Astounding news from tech writer Cyrus Farivar. The FBI has admitted in court documents that it secretly managed and operated 23 Tor-hidden child porn sites, and even deployed malware from them. You know, to “catch criminals.” According to the ACLU, the FBI operated 23 separate child pornography sites and hosted the sites from a government …

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Life is improving for most people on earth; in spite of governments

Life expectancy, world health, literacy and education, average interior living space, and the cleanliness of environments is gradually improving throughout the world. See here. But this progress has been IN SPITE OF, rather than because of the world’s governments, which have constantly sought to repress and control the world’s subjects. See here.

“Affordable Care Act” incentivizes poverty

“If you like your current plan, you will be able to keep it,” said President Obama. “Let me repeat that: If you like your plan, you will be able to keep it,” he said. This week, the Kaiser Family Foundation released an analysis of the Obamacare insurance exchanges that indicates there will be five states …

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40 percent of government temperature adjustments are fake–based on no actual thermometer data

NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, has been “adjusting” the ‘official’ temperature record at an increasing rate. Now, “more than 40% of their adjusted monthly temperatures are now fake – i.e. no actual thermometer data behind them.” See here.

UN bans skeptical media from upcoming climate conference

The United Nations has refused to accredit three journalists associated with Canadian climate skeptic Ezra Lavant. The UN appears to be blacklisting skeptics from covering the upcoming global warming conference in Marrakech, Morocco. See here. The UN accuses Lavant’s “Rebel” journalists of being “advocacy journalists.” Yet opinion journalists comprise a large proportion of the thousands …

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Obamacare is spiking health care costs by at least 10 % annually

As a candidate on the campaign trail in 2008, Obama once said: “If you’ve got health insurance, we’re going to help that employer save $2,500 per family per year. … Those savings are going to be passed along to the workers.” But the “Affordable Care Act” has actually spiked costs (just as did Medicare and …

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Government lies exposed: arctic ice appears to be expanding rapidly

Arctic sea ice is now almost 50% higher than 2012, higher than last year, and about to pass all recent years. The government has been claiming Arctic sea ice is at or near an all-time low.