Category: Government lies

The 15-Year “National Emergency”

U.S. President Obama has officially extended the national emergency that was declared after 9/11/2001: “Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency declared on September 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2016.” Few Americans are aware of how many ongoing “national …

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U.S. Military Can’t Account for $6.5 TRILLION; Millions of Lost Records

Trusters of government view the military as an indispensable protection from invasion. Some even claim the U.S. military protects Americans’ freedom. By any measure, however, Americans’ freedoms have been in decline even as military budgets have increased. For as long as human records exist, military forces have been a source of despotism, tyranny, and enslavement. …

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After carbon taxes kick in, hundreds of thousands of Canadians are late on utility payments

Governments worldwide are waging a war on their subjects, seeking to enslave them in a world of dependency without energy self determination. Using the ruse of manmade-CO2-caused-global-warming, the Canadian government enacted carbon taxes and has been seeking to shut down fossil fuel power plants. Now, hundreds of thousands of Ontarians can no longer afford to …

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Greenland’s ice mass has been growing since the time period the Olympics propaganda squad selected to show the ice “disappearing.”

Last week’s Olympic opening ceremonies featured a pro-government propaganda film proclaiming that human-released greenhouse gasses were causing Greenland’s ice and snow to disappear. “Animated maps showed Greenland “disappearing very quickly” and Amsterdam, Dubai, Miami, Shanghai, Lagos and Rio being swallowed up by rising seas.” See here. But according to the best data, Greenland’s ice mass …

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Montana health insurers seek major rate increases for 2017

Obamacare and Medicare were pushed with claims they would bring health insurance prices down for poor people. Yet health care costs have increased faster than inflation every year for 30 years. Now, just a couple years after the implementation of Obamacare, Montana’s major health insurers (who, ironically, lobbied heavily for the passage of Obamacare and …

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Another Islamist ‘terror’ video with U.S. Intelligence Agency scripting surfaces

Occasionally, a whistleblower alerts the world to the clear scripting of ‘terror’ videos by the CIA or elements within western intelligence agencies. Here is a new video of an Islamist extremist Syrian rebel giving a statement. And you can hear his CIA director telling him to start the statement over!

Turkey becomes a land of mass “treason” arrests and secret court hearings

Headlines blared last week regarding a supposed “coup” attempt to overthrow President Erdogan of Turkey. Whistleblowers have since come forward and provided evidence that Erdogan himself staged the alleged “coup” plot to make himself look better and make his impoverished subjects “rally around the flag.” Such staged, false-flag attacks are quite common in history. Now …

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Climate fraud? Paul Dreissen details many dozens of demonstrable untruths by climate change hysterics

The gifted writer Paul Dreissen is out with a tremendous column detailing dozens of demonstrably false statements made by those who trust the government’s catastrophic-global-warming-by-human-released-CO2 theory/agenda. See here.

Venezuelan army now distributes all food

Mass starvation, famines and food shortages only happen in socialist, centrally-controlled societies. Today’s BBC online blared the headline “Venezuela army deployed to control food production and distribution.” See here. The story begins: In a decree, President Nicolas Maduro has ordered the army to monitor food processing plants, and co-ordinate the production and distribution of items. …

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Government temperature agency has “adjusted” past June temperatures downward by almost 2 degrees

Government agencies (and government supported organizations) are now trumpeting that this past June (2016) was the hottest on record. But they are able to do this only by altering the temperature record of the past. NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has adjusted historical June temperatures downwards by almost two degrees! See here. NOAA …

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