Category: government corruption

Flea abandons dog: former CIA official quits Harvard teaching gig in protest of Chelsea Manning

A win-win for Harvard University today. Former CIA official and deep-state parasite Michael Morell has “abruptly resigned” from a teaching job at Harvard to protest the University’s hiring of recently-released patriot whistleblower Chelsea Manning. See here. Morell claimed Harvard ‘‘honors a convicted felon and leaker of classified information’’ by hiring Manning as a visiting fellow …

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New report confirms that electric cars have larger “carbon footprint” than gas or diesel cars

U.S. taxpayers have been forced to subsidize government “alternative energy” schemes on a truly massive scale. Tesla and its overpaid CEO Elon Musk have milked taxpayers already for almost a billion dollars. Tesla manufactures expensive electric cars–sold primarily to the super rich–with the massive support of U.S. tax dollars. One could say the program is …

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32 people killed in one day of “law enforcement” raids by Philippine government

The streets of Philippinnes cities turned red with blood in the past week as Philippine “police” unleashed a torrent of violent raids upon the population. Shockingly Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is urging police to kill dozens of drug suspects every day, as he praised officers who shot dead 32 people this week in “shock and …

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US Postal Service gave time off and benefits to postal workers who campaigned for Hillary

“Campaign finance reformers” often depict (private sector) funding of political ads as an overwhelmingly influential factor in elections. But there are many ways that people and institutions influence election outcomes. Government agencies have numerous means of trying to influence the political sphere. Now the Washington Post reports that the US Postal Service gave time off …

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U.S. Taxpayers are forced to subsidize deliveries

The Wall Street Journal is out with a fascinating article about a-mostly-unknown agreement between the U.S. Postal Service and The U.S. Postal Service has failed to innovate as the world has gone increasingly digital. But in order to stay “competitive” with FedEx and UPS, the Service subsidizes box delivery. Letters pay for the subsidy. …

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Turkish government arrests film maker for making documentary about Turkish government

The world’s safest profession: being a pro-government news reporter or observer. The world’s most dangerous profession: being an anti-government news reporter or observer. In recent years the Turkish government has arrested hundreds of critics–including comedians, reporters and actors–for such crimes as terrorism and sedition. Now there is a report that movie director Ali Avci has …

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IRS accused Texas bridal shop of “structuring” deposits under $10,000. When the owners resisted, the IRS shuttered the store, seized all inventory and “auctioned” it off for pennies on the dollar

Astounding story of a small bridal shop in a suburb of Dallas. See here. It seems that the IRS accused the shop’s owners– Tony Thangsongcharoen, 68, and his wife, Somnuek Thangsongcharoen, 72–of “structuring”: making bank deposits just under $10,000 to avoid federal “reporting requirements.” The IRS shut down the small business and quickly held an …

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Government is the biggest burglar of all: “asset forfeiture” actions in 2014 took more money than all (nongovernment) burglaries combined

While Americans slept, government has been drastically increasing its numbers of “asset forfeitures” against innocent Americans (who are not charged with any offense). U.S. attorneys seized an estimated $12.6 billion between 1989 and 2010. And the numbers grew rapidly over that period. The growth rate during that time averaged +19.4% annually. Analysis by Armstrong Economics …

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More than 90 % of IRS “structuring” enforcements are aimed at innocent Americans

Some (but not all) Americans are aware that all banks are required to report to the IRS whenever a customer deposits or withdraws cash in the amount of $10,000 or more. The stated aim of this federal law is to catch criminal activity such as money laundering and drug trafficking. Often, the IRS swoops in …

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CIA now employs at least 5,000 hackers to troll and disrupt the internet

One revelation from Wikileaks’ release of CIA emails is the fact that the CIA now employs at least 5,000 hackers who spend their workdays spreading malware, viruses and other other bad code through the internet. See here. It appears the CIA is seeking to copy and replicate the “fingerprints” of other, perhaps foreign, hackers. It …

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