Category: Climate hysteria

A healthy skepticism of claims by Sovietists that only expansive government can save the earth

Another prominent voice calls for the imprisonment of climate skeptics

The debate is over! Jail the skeptics! Prominent pro-government extremist Thom Hartmann (who loudly calls for a constitutional amendment to overturn the First Amendment in order to stop (private sector) money from having any influence on politics), is now calling for the imprisonment of those who disagree with him regarding the world’s climate. See here. …

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NASA satellites document that polar ice has grown, not declined

James Taylor of Forbes Magazine: Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. The updated data contradict one …

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31 percent of Americans say the government’s climate change claims are a “total hoax”

A new Bloomberg News Service poll finds that 31 percent of Americans view the government’s climate-change claims as a “total hoax.” See here. These figures suggest that the government will have an uphill battle rounding up, arresting or otherwise punishing such vast numbers. The government would need to build concentration camps for 100 million Americans.

Lysander Spooner University Visits Glacier National Park 2015

Pictured above, the Jackson Glacier, taken at around its lowest point of the year, Sept. 13, 2015. We at Lysander Spooner University are embarking on a continuing research project to study and photograph Montana or Wyoming glaciers each year from the same vantage points and dates of the calendar. As many people know, various agencies …

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20 government-supported “climate scientists” call for their skeptics to be jailed

Last week, 20 “climate scientists”–each of whom is government-funded–signed a letter to President Obama and U.S. Attorney General Lynch calling for government to investigate and prosecute those who question or disagree with the government’s climate-change messaging. See the letter here. The letter makes numerous preposterous claims (e.g., that skeptics are knowingly promoting false science, as …

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Satellite Temp Readings show NO WARMING FOR 18 YEARS, 8 MONTHS

Governments and their worshippers are promoting claims that 2015 is on track to become “the hottest year in world history.” (Just as these same sources claimed 2014 was the hottest year in history.) But these claims are entirely based upon government-manipulated land and ocean-surface temperatures. Almost half of these temps are fake, or have been …

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NASA Now Admits that Antarctic Sea Ice is at an ALL-TIME HIGH

It couldn’t be worse timing for the upcoming UN conference on manmade global warming. NASA’s website now admits that the amount of ice surrounding Antarctica is at THE HIGHEST LEVEL SINCE RECORDS HAVE BEEN KEPT. The NASA website is here. Read how the NASA public relations staff seek to explain away this problem while continuing …

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New York Times: Climate-Change “Deniers” Will Bring World Genocide

An astounding op-ed “review” appeared in yesterday’s (Sunday, Sept. 12, 2015) edition of the New York Times. Timothy Snyder, a professor of history at Yale University, wrote what is apparently a summary of his new book: “Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning.” The review is here. The Amazon link to the book is …

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Arctic Ice Has Increased by Hundreds of Miles in Past 3 Years

Numerous manmade-global-warming alarmists predicted a decade ago that Arctic sea ice would disappear by 2015. Yet climatologist Steven Goddard says “The Arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice over the past three years, much of which is thick, multi-year ice.” See here. Goddard’s post also provides links to headlines and “news stories” in which …

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Obama Claimed CO2 is Melting Glacier that has Actually Been Melting Since 1815–Long Before Rising CO2 Levels

Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama was on an Alaska propaganda trip, designed to promote government’s “climate-change” socialism agenda. Give government vastly greater power, says Obama (and hundreds of other U.S. government officials) or everyone is doomed. To illustrate the government’s hysterical claims, Obama spoke at Alaska’s Exit Glacier, claiming the Glacier is melting rapidly …

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