There is an ancient common law rule of corporate management that corporate directors must seek profits over any other concerns. But global elites and governments around the world have spent years trying to force businesses to obey government commands regarding environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) concerns rather than profits. But ESG policies seem to bring …
Category: Benefits of capitalism
Mar 20
What does a Century-Old Book have to say about the Western World’s Impending Collapse into Financial Ruin?
The question of why some societies and not others grow rich has attracted the focus of thousands of scholars over the years. There are racist and genetic explanations (e.g., Oswald Spengler, Francis Galton), cultural explanations (e.g., Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel), and many political explanations. But in 1905, a book was published in German which …
Apr 26
When government takes over agriculture: millions stand in food lines while millions more pounds of food rots and farmers go broke
A shocking story in Politico details the utter lunacy of the U.S. government’s COVID-19 measures on American agriculture. In a free market, agricultural producers stay tuned to demand from grocery markets and restaurants. Farmers supply foodstuffs in close relation to market signals from months or seasons earlier. But in a government-directed, centrally planned economy, government …
Apr 21
Government regulations DO NOT improve quality; they simply make products more expensive
Economist Mark Perry has studied the effect of government regulation on industries for many years. His research shows that wherever goods and services are freest, prices go down while quality and innovation constantly improve. Examples are televisions, electronics, and cell phones. But products and services which are subject to the most regulation (such as education, …
Apr 02
Matt Ridley: Britain will thrive as the world’s next Hong Kong in the wake of Brexit
Best selling science writer and futurist Matt Ridley was recently interviewed by Reason’s Nick Gillespie. Ridley discussed his latest book on innovation. Ridley is also a member of the UK House of Commons where he is something of a libertarian. Ridley supported the 2017 Brexit movement. Ridley suggests that Britain will soon become a global …
Oct 06
Ecuador government begins arresting shopkeepers for price increases
In a free market, rapid price increases are quickly fixed by suppliers who, seeking quick profits, hurriedly get more product to market. This growth in supply then leads to rapid reductions in prices. A sure way to ENSURE that consumers will be deprived of plentiful, cheap goods, on the other hand, is for governments to …
Oct 01
Hong Kong government fires live rounds at protesters
Governments worldwide equate anti-government protests with violent military assaults. (The same governments will often treat pro-government protests with gentle reactions (or even support); witness the treatment in the U.S. of recent “climate strike” protesters–many of whom were openly allowed to be absent from government schools.) In many cases, governments will position dozens of armored troops …
Sep 28
New blood test can detect 20 types of cancer with great accuracy
Invention and innovation has been a hallmark of free market capitalism for generations. It barely exists in government-controlled environments. The United States were the world’s flagship of capitalism and invention for two centuries. Americans cured polio, eradicated smallpox, perfected heart, lung and brain surgery and drove tuberculosis to the edge of extinction. But as government …
Sep 29
Sears is now a penny stock
Virtually every claim of socialist economists is false. One major claim of socialists is that the largest corporations have near total control over human affairs, and are able to control their destiny by manipulation of politics and markets. Yet studies show that only a small handful of the corporations in the Fortune 50 were there …
Sep 06
Hong Kong bypasses New York City as home to the most super rich
New York City’s famed Wall Street produced thousands of millionaires during the era of American capitalism and freedom. But years of socialistic government, regulation, and taxation have taken their toll on the Big Apple. Many multi-millionaires have fled New York City for freer shores and states. And New York’s high rates of taxation and business …