Category: A Laboratory For Ideas

Lysander Spooner University extends 500 dollar bet to the founder of Extinction Rebellion

We are betting that 12 percent of Phoenix will NOT DIE from climate by 2040.               By Dr. Roger Roots, J.D., Ph.D. We are extending our offers regarding climate change bets.  I have long had an open FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR bet offered to anyone regarding the government’s prediction (still published in the movie shown to …

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Join us for an afternoon of free lectures, refreshments and fun in Pahrump, Nevada!

An Incredible afternoon of lectures in Pahrump, Nevada! Join us for an afternoon of facts and fun! Saturday, January 7, 2017 at the public library in Pahrump, Nevada Free to the public! Everyone is welcome! Refreshments and Stimulating Lectures! 1:30 p.m.: Patricia Aiken, “Milestones to Tyranny: How We Got Here.” 2:15 p.m.: “Cowboys and Indians …

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January 13-16, 2017: Join us for ‘mountain climbing inside the Grand Canyon’

“Lose 15 pounds in 3 days hiking and climbing in the Grand Canyon!” January 13-16, 2017 is a three-day weekend celebrating Martin Luther King. For anyone planning on being in the greater Nevada/Utah/Arizona region in January, Lysander Spooner University will embark on a one-of-a-kind field trip in honor of Dr. King. Few people are aware …

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Summer 2016 has come and gone in the Rocky Mountains, and the glaciers are still here. (We have heard no news that any long-existing glacier melted away this year despite repeated governmental pronouncements that Summer 2016 was the ‘hottest ever.’) Here are some shots of Lysander Spooner University glacier chasing expeditions in 2016. Join us …

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Government experts now claiming glaciers at GNP are melting faster than predicted!

Throughout Glacier National Park there are signs, posters and statements predicting that all of GNP’s glaciers will disappear by around 2030. The government films and flyers provided at GNP also make this claim. A new government website–published by the U.S. Geological Survey–now suggests this (2030) prediction is too conservative: A computer-based climate model predicts that …

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Lost? Need Directions? Ask a Man

Fascinating psychological research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology suggests that male brains are better at judging directions than female brains. See here. The research involved MRI scans of brain activity.

Upcoming Courses in Washington, D.C.

Lysander Spooner University will be offering two courses in Washington, D.C. in conjunction with the Fully Informed Jury Association next week. Wednesday, November 18, 1:00 pm. The Sociology of Trial by Jury: This course will be located at the 2015 International Drug Policy Reform Conference, the largest anti-drug-war conference in the world. Dr. Roger Roots …

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Self-driving cars are already safer than human-driven cars

On a per-mile basis, the automobile is the safest form of land transportation ever invented. See here. It is often said that planes are safer than cars; but on a per-trip or per-hour basis, cars are even safer than planes. Yet governments, for a century, have burdened car travel with reams of unnecessary rules and …

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Proposed Constitutional Amendments to “Overturn Citizens United” Would Actually Overturn Hundreds of Cases

(Pictured above: Bernie Sanders, who is pushing to amend the Constitution to give much more power to the government to “regulate” (meaning fine, punish, or imprison for) (private) spending on ideological-oriented ads, pamphlets or broadcasts.) More than a dozen proposals have been introduced in the two chambers of Congress to supposedly overturn the Supreme Court’s …

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THE ONION asks why humanity continues to allow its most power-hungry members to make all of humanity’s decisions.

THE ONION, America’s premier mock newspaper, has long exhibited a libertarian, anti-government streak. Now THE ONION has hit the nail on the head: “Humanity Surprised It Still Hasn’t Figured Out Better Alternative To Letting Power-Hungry Assholes Decide Everything.” The same question has been asked repeatedly by economists of the Austrian School, and of social scientists …

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