Author's posts

January 13-16, 2017: Join us for ‘mountain climbing inside the Grand Canyon’

“Lose 15 pounds in 3 days hiking and climbing in the Grand Canyon!” January 13-16, 2017 is a three-day weekend celebrating Martin Luther King. For anyone planning on being in the greater Nevada/Utah/Arizona region in January, Lysander Spooner University will embark on a one-of-a-kind field trip in honor of Dr. King. Few people are aware …

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The reality of socialism: Fidel Castro lived in constant luxury as his subjects starved

Socialist politicians promise equality and free stuff but deliver impoverishment and tyranny. Here is a New York Post article about the luxurious life of Cuban President Fidel Castro. Castro lived a life of absolute luxury. He had dozens of mistresses and kept a dozen private palaces for himself. He even had pet dolphins. Virtually anyone …

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Washington Post’s “fake news” smear exposed as McCarthyite propaganda

Days ago the Washington Post published (and energetically advertised) a “news story” alleging that the 2016 Trump election was produced by “hundreds” of “fake news” stories created by Russian propagandists. (Of course, the Washington Post itself has been identified as a government CIA propaganda mouthpiece by numerous whistleblowers.) (Senate hearing in the ’70s and ’80s …

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Prosecutors increasingly stack indictments with multiple counts in order to ensure convictions

American prosecutors have learned that conviction rates generally go up when additional charges and defendants are added to criminal cases. Consequently, state and federal prosecutors routinely stack indictments with multiple (repetitive) counts so that juries will be more likely to convict defendants. A study of thousands of criminal cases found that when a defendant is …

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U.S. government temperature data tamperers have erased 1940s warmth in Iceland

The intrepid data analyst Tony Heller has been monitoring the government’s official temperature records for years. The U.S. government’s temp database (maintained by NASA and NOAA and directed by Gavin Schmidt of NASA’s Goddard Space Institute) has been “adjusted” thousands of times to make the past seem colder than it was recorded. The government agencies …

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Starving Venezuelans flee socialism on life rafts

Socialism is a curse that should be wished only on one’s most hated enemies. Here is a New York Times story about hungry Venezuelans fleeing their socialist country by the droves. Just a couple decades ago, Venezuela had the highest standard of living IN ALL OF LATIN AMERICA. But just 17 years after the people …

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Three judges of British High Court Invalidate Brexit Vote!

A shocking act of judicial arrogance by three judges of the United Kingdom High Court. The Court ruled that Britain can’t leave the EU without having a parliamentary vote to do so. See here. Yet that parliamentary vote already happened with the European Referendum Act of 2015. (Parliament voted to let the people speak on …

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Government college professors call for pro-Trump student protestors to be expelled

There is almost no free speech on today’s government college campuses. Faculty at the University of New Hampshire–a government institution supposedly subject to the Bill of Rights–are calling for two pro-Trump students in costume to be expelled. The two students showed up to protest an anti-Trump rally on the campus. See here.

Growth in Jail Population Has Been Mostly Driven by Increased Incarceration of Innocent Inmates

While the jail population in the U.S. has grown substantially since the 1980s, the number of convicted people in jails has been flat for the last 15 years. Detention of the legally innocent has been consistently driving jail growth! See here!

Pro-government news sources decry the influence of “fake news”

Once again, there is a major push among government trusters to censor anti-government or alternative news. Pro-government forces who decry the election of Donald Trump two weeks ago are blaming the increasing influence of alternative news sources. They couldn’t force voters to view their tired, old, dying pro-government “news” sources. Now pro-government sources are launching …

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