Author's posts

Greenland ice levels are growing at record speed

A couple years back there was a documentary called “Chasing Ice” featuring claims that manmade-global-warming was causing Greenland’s ice sheets to melt away. The film featured heroic guys in expensive North Face parkas bravely wandering around Greenland’s melting glaciers while sad piano music played in the back ground. We haven’t heard much from those guys …

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Washington, D.C.: Homeless numbers double amid highly-paid government households

Throughout the past 20 years, the salaries and benefits of government workers have increased substantially, even as the American people struggle to survive in trailer parks. Lawmakers at the federal, state and most local levels have been transforming government employees into kings and queens walking among peasants. In many locations, the largest mansions are owned …

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Government regulations are creating a less mobile society

American history has been defined by innovation and mobility. But increasingly, government regulations, licenses and “benefits” are forcing Americans to stay put. See here. “The percentage of Americans moving every year is less than half that of a half-century ago and down significantly since the early 1990s.”

Retired government “workers” in one California town rake in two hundred thousand dollars annually amid peasants with average HOUSEHOLD incomes of $32,000

California is a place with bountiful treasures but a socialistic-style government. Voters trust government so much that they now have some of the highest taxes in the world. In one town, El Monte, the average HOUSEHOLD scrapes by on $32,000 annually while retired city government “workers” draw pensions as high as $200,000 annually. Such government …

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Another fake government “cyber attack”

Fora decade, government supremacists have demanded that people surrender freedom of speech and press and allow the government to take control of the internet. They frequently claim “cyber terrorists” will use the internet to shut down the “power grid” or otherwise disrupt American life. Of course the nation’s power plants are not online and are …

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As Venezuelan Socialism Collapsed, America’s Government Trusters Never Saw it Coming

By Roger Roots, founder, Lysander Spooner University I remember many conversations with fellow graduate students while I obtained my Ph.D. in Sociology at UNLV around 2002-2004. Socialist politics had recently taken power in Venezuela and my fellow grad students all spoke warmly of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez. Some of my friends told me that Venezuela was …

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Pro-government “news” sources say the North Pole is much warmer than normal; but conceal record cold in nearby Greenland and Siberia

Days ago, the government-worshipping New York Times published a headline saying “Spiking Temperatures in the Arctic Startle Scientists.” But the Times fails to mention that the unusual warm temps at the North Pole are a fluke caused by a weather pattern. The same weather pattern has pushed record cold temps into nearby Siberia and Greenland. …

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Government now stealing newborn babies from parents who refuse to get Social Security numbers for the babies

Here is a news story for anyone who thinks America is a free society. Two proud parents in Alabama went to pick up their newborn baby from a hospital only to find that the government had stolen their baby. The reason: the parents were unfit because they refused to “apply for” (apparently meaning accept) a …

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Chinese government arrests civil liberties activist for exposing “state secrets”

Every government ultimately comes for all property, all freedom, and to kill all who resist. For decades, Chinese governments chased, hunted, imprisoned and killed libertarian advocates or critics of the state. This repression eased slightly with market freedoms, and as Chinese society slowly became more prosperous. Now, however, The founder of one of China’s few …

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New York Times is Dying: Pro-Government Newspaper Vacating 8 Floors in its Iconic Building

The New York Times, like all pro-government “news” sources, is dying. Readers won’t pay for its government-subsidized, fake content in the internet age. Now the Times has announced that it will vacate 8 floors in its iconic New York Times building on Times Square to rent them out. See here.