Author's posts
Jun 23
Because more than half of all Facebook and Twitter accounts are fake, social media ‘influencers’ are losing influence among advertisers
More than half of all Facebook and Twitter accounts are fake. And both Twitter and Facebook make money by selling fake “followers” and “likes.” Prominent politicians and even musicians and actors purchase fake followers. Hillary Clinton purchased more than 2 million followers during her 2016 campaign. And both Twitter and Facebook have been repeatedly caught …
Jun 23
Government scientists whose research disagrees with government must now publish their findings secretly
There has been an unwritten rule among U.S. federal agencies (especially during the Obama years) that no “science” which disagrees with the prevailing message of manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 hysteria is allowed to be published by the government. So a U.S. Forest Service researcher was forced to publish his countervailing climate research under alias names. He observed that …
Jun 20
Terror in Cyberspace! Israeli prime minister says hackers can bring down air force planes!
Governments routinely try to take over the internet by claiming such things as that internet providers are preparing to charge the poor more than the rich, or slow down the internet access of the poor, or that “terrorists” might soon use the internet to bring down the power grid, shut down the Pentagon, or melt …
Jun 14
Chicago suburb lays off 40 cops and firefighters to meet pension obligations
Every socialist state will eventually reach a day of reckoning. For years the government of Harvey, Illinois (an impoverished, high-tax, high-regulation socialist suburb of Chicago) has overpaid cops and firefighters and lavished retired cops and firefighters with extravagant pensions. (Many such retirees take their padded pensions and move to lower-tax, less socialist places.) But the …
Jun 13
Mainstream newspaper circulation down another 10 percent in 2017
Alternative news is thriving and Americans have access to more information than ever before. But government-supporting (“mainstream”) newspapers continue to fall in circulation and importance. The Pew Research Center has found that total US daily newspaper circulation, print and digital combined, was down 11 and 10 percent, respectively, from the previous year. (Two major papers, …
Jun 11
U.S. Air Academy employs undercover informants to build cases on students
Most people who go off to college don’t worry about being shadowed by undercover government informants. But students at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs must contend with fellow students who are secretly working undercover for the government. And, of course, the government abuses and burns its snitches just as it does everyone …
Jun 09
4th amendment pointers for living with others
When dealing with cops at the door remember these pointers: (1) The U.S. Supreme Court and every other court in the land have held that an entry or search of a residence requires a warrant. The home–whether rented or owned–is the most protected space in one’s life. There are very few exceptions to this rule. …
Jun 08
Russian museum discovers a secret government order to destroy files
The Soviet Union crumbled in 1989 under the weight of its own widespread socialist poverty, darkness and misery. The Guardian is reporting that workers at the Gulag History Museum in Moscow have discovered that certain evidence of the darkest days of government control have disappeared. Further inspection has uncovered a secret government order–apparently implemented by …
Jun 08
Government university now bans “harsh” text messages
It is mostly forgotten that government colleges were originally launched for three reasons: (1) to provide access for poor people to higher education, (2) to counteract the supposed tendency of private (mostly church-owned) colleges to stifle speech and expression, and (3) to provide for more ‘public interest’ scientific research and education, which supposedly wasn’t being …
Jun 01
Climate change apocalypticists can’t convince the insurance industry to believe; so now they seek to force the industry to pay up
For several years, promoters of catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2 hysteria have sought to get the insurance industry to recognize that ‘climate change is real.’ Two years ago, on-again,-off-again-world’s-richest-man Warren Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire-Hathaway (which owns or controls several large insurers including Geico) authored a statement on the subject in his annual investment letter. Buffet noted that most …