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An entire VA facility in Denver did no work whatsoever for a year.

Many thousands of U.S. military veterans have died waiting for government slave plantation health care at the Veterans Administration. The VA inspector general recently reported that it is possible that over 300,000 veterans have died while waiting for their appointments. Last June, it was reported that nearly 100 veterans died while waiting for health care …

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Startling new research: the more government “benefits” a person receives, the more that person hates government

New research demonstrates what most people already know: Government social spending has grown substantially over the past 50 years, even as wages have stagnated. The new book by Cornell political scientist Suzanne Mettler, “The Government-Citizen Disconnect” examines 21 federal programs including Social Security, Medicaid, SNAP, and the home mortgage interest deduction. Mettler finds that 96 …

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Gallup Poll: Literally No One Says Climate Change is America’s Greatest Problem

Recently, during July 2018, Gallup conducted a telephone survey of a random sample of 1,033—adults, ages 18+, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. Each respondent was asked “What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?” The thousand-plus Americans gave some 47 different answers. Not one …

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Dolly Parton promotes literacy without government

Music legend Dolly Parton was one of 12 kids who grew up in rural Tennessee in a one-room shack. As a child she slept with 3 or 4 sisters in the same bed. Her own father was illiterate. Today Dolly is the wealthiest resident of her county, and the largest employer in the county. She …

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Greenwald: NBC and MSNBC are essentially arms of the CIA and U.S. Military

It is well documented that most “mainstream” news is under the pay and support of the government. Now intrepid journalist Glenn Greenwald documents that MSNBC and NBC are knowingly and unapologetically publishing fake news supported by the CIA. Even when the public loudly alerts NBC and MSNBC executives about their false reporting, the networks refuse …

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Turkish government purges thousands of government workers deemed suspicious

The people of Turkey may get a brief period of relief from government workers. Turkish president Erdogan has purged some 130,000 government workers over the past several years, claiming they were associated with ‘terrorist’ movements. Thousands more have been arrested and imprisoned. In almost every instance, Erdogan security forces claim the employees are associated with …

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Female tourist in Egypt sentenced to 8 years for Facebook posts complaining of sexual harassment

A 24-year-old Lebanese tourist in Egypt complained of being sexually harassed by taxi drivers and young men in the street, as well as poor restaurant service during the holy month of Ramadan. She posted a video on Facebook. A Cairo court found her guilty of deliberately spreading false rumours that would harm society, attacking religion, …

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Thousands of millionaires flee socialist Maryland and California

When you tax something you get less of it. In 2008 Maryland’s government passed a millionaire tax, taking more than 6 percent of everything earned by the state’s millionaires (in addition to all other taxes they already pay). One-third of all millionaires in the state either moved away or quit earning so much money the …

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28-year-old bartender defeats 4th ranking Democrat in Congress despite being outspent by 18 to 1

Every claim made by campaign finance reformers is untrue. In the recent New York Democratic primaries, a 28-year-old bartender named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated the 4th-ranked Democrat in the U.S. House, Joe Crowley. Crowley outspent Ocasia-Cortez by a margin of at least 18 to 1. Crowley was widely thought to be in line to be the …

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British financial sector thrives after Brexit

Government trusters everywhere denounced the vote by Brits to leave the European Union two years ago. Almost every pro-government economist, financial columnist and figurehead predicted financial calamity would fall upon the people of Britain for daring to be independent. But a review by Max Colchester and Patricia Kowsmann in the Wall Street Journal finds that …

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