Author's posts

Gallup poll shows American pride has fallen to record lows

U.S. government spending grew by record amounts in the past four months. President Trump set new records as history’s biggest spending politician. Governors throughout the United States dove to new levels of power–controlling the movements, housing, occupations, business lives, shopping choices, and spending of every non-government resident. For the first time in history, American governors …

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CDC reports 794 “confirmed cases of COVID-19” at a nursing home with 80 beds

Federal agency caught red-handed faking coronavirus numbers “When the administrator of the Saugus Rehab and Nursing Center in Saugus, Massachusetts, heard that a new Medicare website reported her facility had 794 confirmed cases of COVID-19 — the second highest in the country — and 281 cases among staff, she gasped.” The facility had actually reported …

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Government coronavirus regulations will deprive U.S. hospitals of $200 billion in revenue by the end of June

In alleged response to the coronavirus “pandemic”–a disease outbreak posing a death rate of around 1/10th of 1 percent, government officials throughout the United States issued decrees that all non-approved businesses must shut down and hosptials must close their doors to all patients except coronavirus or emergency patients. Government officials claimed that hospital beds needed …

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The “second wave” scam: governments amp up their panic hysteria

Between January and June 2020, governments throughout the world inflicted some of the most draconian impositions in world history upon their subjects. Governors ordered people locked inside their homes and decreed that all non-government-approved businesses must shut down, in order for governments to press their “public health” agenda regarding COVID-19 In some cases (e.g., Rhode …

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Washington State “health officials” kidnap newborn baby after false-positive coronavirus test of parent

UPDATE: Hospital releases baby after hundreds of protesters descend; claims Mom now tests negative Governments worldwide have used the excuse of coronavirus to engage in extended orgies of savagery and violence against millions of victims. The State of Washington in the U.S. has been Ground Zero for some of the world’s most extreme government tyranny. …

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Amazon tried to ban its #2 bestselling book. Elon Musk called them out. Amazon changed its mind.

Major news media and social media platforms have censored most information that casts doubt on government coronavirus claims. Youtube’s CEO recently announced that it will remove any health-related videos which dispute claims by the World Health Organization–making Youtube, in essence, a state-controlled media arm. Now Amazon, the world’s largest bookseller by many multiples, is also …

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COVID-19 Panic Will Bring a Painful End to Many Colleges

A recent story in the Wall Street Journal suggests that the economic damage caused by governments allegedly responding to the coronavirus pandemic will soon impact America’s colleges on a major scale. Many colleges will not survive. Governors ordered most, if not all U.S. colleges shuttered, and all higher education delivered online over the past three …

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Was the government’s COVID-19 response the biggest transfer of wealth in history?

Government Made the Rich Vastly Richer; Impoverished Millions of Others Jim Cramer, host of CNBC’s “Mad Money,” stated on June 4 that The coronavirus pandemic has produced “one of the greatest wealth transfers in history.” “This is the first recession where big business … is coming through virtually unscathed,” even as 21 million Americans are …

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Governments are padding coronavirus deaths massively

On May 24 the New York Times published a massive front page article, “U.S. DEATHS NEAR 100,000; AN INCALCULABLE LOSS.” It supposedly listed names of people who have died from COVID-19. The 6th name on the list was a murder victim whose funeral suffered from restrictions due to the COVID-19 panic. The Seattle Times recently …

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Just 4 powermad governors caused half of America’s coronavirus deaths

Just 4 states: New York, New Jersey, Michigan and Massachusetts, account for over half of America’s reported coronavirus deaths. Ironically, those 4 states are the states where governors were most extreme in their supposed efforts to fight the dreaded virus. Michigan’s governor even banned gardening and banned people who owned two residences from traveling between …

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