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Government supporting media proclaim election fraud claims to be bogus–even as evidence of massive fraud mounts

UPDATE: THE USPS IS RETALIATING AGAINST WHISTLBLOWER WHO EXPOSED ELECTION FRAUD “According to Richard Hopkins, a carrier in Erie, Pennsylvania, his supervisors and others above him were ordering carriers to backdate ballots that were received after Election Day. Once Hopkins’ bosses pieced together that he was the whistleblower, he was allegedly relieved of duty.” PROJECT …

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U.S. Postal Service Whistleblowers in both PA and Michigan report being told to backdate vote ballots

Article 1, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution requires that “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof.” But in 2020, various governors used the covid-19 scare as an excuse to unilaterally upend election laws by having the US Postal Service …

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Border Patrol performs “standard sweep” of vehicle at Canadian border on election day; finds trunk load of stolen ballots in Postal worker’s car

ANOTHER US POSTAL WORKER CHARGED WITH STEALING BALLOTS U.S. Postal employees overwhelmingly support Democratic politicians. During 2016, Postal officials were caught illegally rewarding employees who campaigned for Hillary Clinton. USPS employees are paid too much. The “Service” regularly contracts with regional private carriers who deliver mail for HALF of what USPS employees are paid. Thousands …

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Greenwald: the CIA and Deep State are now heroes of the liberal left

Glenn Greenwald, the iconic civil liberties lawyer, writer and journalist, was on Tucker Carlson last night to explain his recent resignation from The Intercept–the news organization he helped found in 2013 to be an outlet for free thought and exploration of news and ideas. Greenwald told Carlson that “For a long time on the left …

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The Intercept now censors its own founder Glenn Greenwald–who launched it to escape censorship

The great civil liberties writer and icon Glenn Greenwald has split with several “news” institutions (e.g., Salon and later The Guardian) to escape censorship by those institutions. Greenwald is a First Amendment absolutist, a devout liberal (in the 1960s sense), and a former civil rights attorney who has broken many major news stories, including the …

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Americans are fleeing big cities by the thousands

America’s most socialist cities have been losing residents for years, as people flee life-crushing regulations, policing and taxation. But 2020 has seen this mass exodus increase significantly. Chicago’s change-of-address postal notices more than doubled over last year’s for the period from February 1 to August 1; New York City’s are up 490%; San Francisco’s up …

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Maryland voter ARRESTED for trying to vote without a mask

INTIMIDATION OF ANTIGOVERNMENT VOTERS It is universally recognized that there are political differences between maskers and anti-maskers. Those who won’t wear masks are known to be more suspicious of government. Now a Maryland man named Daniel Swain has actually been arrested for going to vote at a polling station and refusing to wear a mask.

California’s socialist power utility appears to cause another major wildfire

California’s power grid is the most socialist in the U.S. Indeed the high-tax, heavy-regulating State government imposes more controls on energy than exists in most places on earth. California has gone all in on climate change doomsday hysteria. The State’s powermad government has actually banned internal-combustion cars by 2030 under the mistaken belief that oil …

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Mark Steyn: “Risk Averse Societies are Societies in Decline”

The great conservative intellectual Mark Steyn was the special guest of the Institute of Public Affairs on October 14, 2020. Steyn appeared via Zoom at the Australian event, due to governmental restrictions on gatherings and travel imposed in wake of the global covid-19 panic. Steyn gave a grim description regarding the prospects of survival for …

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Another U.S. Postal Worker Arrested for Stealing Vote Ballots

U.S. Postal workers overwhelmingly support bigger government, higher taxes, and more regulations. During the 2016 election, US Postal officials were caught illegally rewarding employees who campaigned for Hillary Clinton with paid time off and other benefits. Now, during the covid-19 panic, the U.S. Postal Service has taken over delivery of election ballots for every U.S. …

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