Author's posts
Mar 13
Venezuela’s Socialist State-Owned Oil Company Collapses in a Flurry of Arrests, Corruption Probes
All trusters of centrally-planned economies dream the same dream: a utopia of enterprises–owned by the collective–which operate according to principles of sharing instead of profits. Socialist takeovers of oil, mining and industrial firms have occurred many times. And each time the results are the same: poverty, corruption and violence. Socialists worldwide cheered the revolution of …
Mar 13
“Unfair Pricing” is Sometimes Quite Fair
From the book, “Roads in a Market Economy” by Gabriel Roth (1996, page 63): A more modern example of efficient but’unfair’ pricing . . . was related by P.F. Amos at a conference in 1979: Having taken a bus to the Nepal-India border from Kathmandu, and being first through customs, Mr. R.G. Bullock . . …
Mar 12
Uplifting Gallup Poll: Government No. 1 problem in the country, Americans say
Government has been named the most important problem facing the country for four straight months and has widened its lead over other concerns (the economy, jobs, healthcare). The Washington Times story is here.
Mar 12
Government Supremacists Panic As Public Loses Trust in Mainstream Television, Government Messaging
Two important stories from March 11, both of which are likely related: The Washington Post, dated March 11, 2015: “Americans are moving faster than ever away from traditional TV”: Between 2012 and 2014, viewers ages 50 through 64 watched one hour and 12 minutes less of traditional TV each week; they increased viewing of videos …
Mar 10
“Consensus” Climatologists Maintain Decade-Long “Worldwide Collusion” Against Publicly Debating Skeptics
Australian paleoclimatologist Bob Carter is a highly-regarded and articulate debunker of manmade-global-warming alarmists. During a panel discussion sanctioned by the Ayn Rand Institute last year, Professor Carter stated that there has been “worldwide collusion” among government-sponsored scientists who authored the UN IPCC “climate change” reports. A Youtube video of the discussion is here. Dr. Carter’s …
Mar 10
Journalist Looks Into UN Climate Report, Finds That it was Authored by Students, Activists
We’ve all been told the science is settled; look no further. Surrender even more power, money and freedom to governments, and allow governments to impose drastic restrictions on fossil-fuel consumption to save us all from manmade global warming. In 2001, Canadian reporter Donna Laframboise, a former National Post and Toronto Star columnist, began looking into …
Mar 09
Private-sector innovators create ever-cheaper medical products while government regulation keeps driving healthcare costs higher
If the power of capitalism and free markets were unleashed on health care, we would immediately see costs go down. The poorest people in society could afford high-quality health care products and services. Witness this story about fifty-cent microscopes. Private sector innovators have developed microscopes that can be sold for less than the price of …
Mar 07
Harvard Economist: Social Security Decreased American GDP by At Least 3 Percent by 1980
Entitlements such as Social Security change people’s behaviors. Where people expect to be supported by a government program, they tend to work less, retire earlier, save less, and invest less. The world is much poorer because of such programs. The United States (and the world) is less prosperous, much poorer, less productive and less comfortable …
Mar 06
U.S. Government Now Taking In All-Time High Revenues, But Debt Limit Will be Reached in 10 Days
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew just notified Congress that U.S. Government spending will hit its debt limit by March 16. U.S. tax revenues are now at an all-time high, with personal income taxes significantly higher than a decade ago, the world’s highest corporate tax rates, and zealous efforts by the IRS to collect more revenue. But …
Mar 05
Federal Employees Have Hit the Lottery
A new study of the financial condition of America’s workers finds that federal employees are far better off financially than average American workers. Federal workers are not just paid better. They have far better benefits than most workers, more days off per year and more vacation time. Other studies have found that federal workers work …