Author's posts
Apr 13
State of New York Launches Job Creation Program, Spends Almost $700,000 Per Job “Created”
In the dreams of socialists everywhere, they wield the wand of government power and their goals are met magically. Consider the constant attempts of government supremacists to launch “job creation” programs by diverting money taken by force from taxpayers into various schemes and agencies. In New York, the governor launched a “Startup NY” program, providing …
Apr 12
For decades, alarmists have predicted a future of mass starvation, hunger, and disease due to scarcity of commodities, energy and food. In the early 1970s, a professor named Paul Ehrlich authored a bestselling book entitled “The Population Bomb,” forecasting such dire predictions due to increases in global population. More recently, government officials and professors have …
Apr 12
Another Prominent Voice Calls for Imprisonment of Climate-Change “Deniers”
As previously reported, a professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology has openly argued that those who disagree with the government regarding catastrophic-manmade-CO2-driven-global-warming should be criminally prosecuted and imprisoned. Now another prominent manmade-climate-change alarmist is calling for prosecution and imprisonment of (what he calls) climate-change “denialists.” Adam Weinstein, former editor of MOTHER JONES and now …
Apr 10
Pro-Government Extremists Calling For Government Takeover of Agriculture in Response to California Drought
Socialist writer Lindsay Abrams again trumpets central planning and government supremacy in a recent column. California’s long drought, Abrams writes, justifies a total government takeover of agriculture by the State of California, if not the U.S. government.: But then in the long term, the state has to rethink agriculture, basically. The problem is that that’s …
Apr 10
University disciplinary proceedings have become “snakepits of injustice”
“Conservative” columnist Matt Vespa has written an essay about the sad state of “due process” at many modern government universities. Of course, colleges operated by the government are supposedly bound by basic constitutional rules of procedural fairness. The Constitution forbids stage agencies and enterprises from depriving anyone of “life, liberty or property” without due process. …
Apr 09
Victor Davis Hanson: the modern American University is a Failed State
Columnist and radio talk show host Victor Davis Hanson has authored an intriguing piece. Hanson writes that historically, colleges and universities were thought to further four (4) primary social goals: (1) they supposedly taught students how to reason inductively and “imparted an aesthetic sense through acquiring knowledge of Michelangelo, the Battle of Gettysburg, “Medea” and …
Apr 08
Social Security Continues to Impoverish Seniors: 1 in 3 Will Live in Poverty in Response to the Program
Social Security is a program that takes money from poor people and transfers it to richer people. To the extent that America is defined by class structure (which can be debated), the poor tend to start working earlier in life, to pay into Social Security (and Medicare) longer, and to die younger. The rich tend …
Apr 06
New York Times: College tuition costs have skyrocketed in spite of exponential government spending on higher education
The Easter weekend 2015 New York Times published a daring opinion piece by law professor Paul Campos, “The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much.” In the essay, Professor Campos demolishes the official conventional wisdom regarding government funding for higher education: ONCE upon a time in America, baby boomers paid for college with the money …
Apr 06
“A Record of Total Failure”: Government Funding of Universities Has Produced a LOWER Percentage of Poor People in College
Why are taxpayers forced to OWN universities? Upon what logic do governments claim that owning colleges and universities is necessary? Especially when there are thousands of private-sector colleges and universities? The only plausible answer is that government-owned or supported colleges meet the needs of the poor in ways that private-sector colleges do not. But Professor …
Apr 06
Government Temperature Predictions Are Averaging 2 to 5 Times Greater than Reality
University of Alabama in Huntsville climatologist John Christy compared 102 government-funded climate model predictions with actual temperature data and found that “their response to CO2 on average is 2 to 5 times greater than reality.” Here is the link.