Author's posts
Apr 14
Did Rachel Maddow Refuse to Pump CIA Wars? MSNBC is Paying Her $30 Million to work ONE NIGHT PER WEEK
If not for secret payments by CIA, would MSNBC even exist? In 1975 the US Senate Church Committee found that the CIA was secretly paying major news reporters for pro-government “journalism.” Congress passed no laws prohibiting the practice. Today it is estimated that the CIA likely spends billions annually on “mainstream” “news.” During the rollout …
Apr 13
CNN spent $400 million promoting a new pay-for-news pro-government “CNN Plus” streaming network. Just 10,000 people subscribed.
CNN–the greatest contemporary embodiment of “mainstream” news–has spent the past year, and some $400 million, launching “CNN Plus.” But just 10,000 viewers weekly have subscribed to the new channel. Viewers just won’t pay to watch worn-out, pro-government propaganda. According to Alex Jones of Infowars, the smallest radio station in a small town generally has over …
Apr 13
Rumble receives emails from “news” organizations demanding that Rumble censor “disinfo” (as determined by governments)
Globally the strongest demands for censorship are now coming from “journalists” and “mainstream” (government supporting and supported) news sources. Now the Globe and Mail, Canada’s largest newspaper, is demanding that rising video platform begin censoring government-unapproved content in the same way that Youtube, Google, Facebook and Twitter have done. Youtube now deletes and prohibits …
Apr 13
While US government fawns over Ukraine’s Zelensky, Zelensky ARRESTS his political opponent
While America’s CIA news outlets unleash a ceaseless stream of propaganda in favor of Ukraine and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Zelensky himself is becoming one of the world’s most evil tyrants. The Zelensky government has already banned opposition parties, and censored most political opposition. Now Ukraine’s secret police have ARRESTED Zelensky’s political opponent, to Zelensky’s …
Apr 13
Canada descends further into darkness: government licenses now required for “journalists”
Every government in history has sought to control news reporting about itself. Now Canada is requiring journalists to obtain government licenses. And only pro-government “journalists” are given such licenses. Rebel News, Canada’s largest independent news agency, has been denied a license due to its occasional reporting criticizing government operations. Rebel News is banned from attending …
Apr 13
Baltimore Cops Ran Over a Running Victim with a Car, then Planted a BB Gun on him
On March 26, 2014, Sgt. Wayne Jenkins, the leader of Baltimore’s disgraced Gun Trace Task Force, called fellow Sgt. Keith Gladstone, saying he had run over an arrestee. Jenkins asked Gladstone to bring him a toy gun to plant on the injured “arrestee.” Many cops carry “throwdown” weapons in their patrol cars for just such …
Apr 11
Peer-Reviewed Study finds Chinese Prisoners are being Killed for their Organs
A peer-reviewed study by Matthew P. Robertson and Jacob Lavee, “Execution by organ procurement: Breaching the dead donor rule in China,” has appeared in the April 2022 American Journal of Transplantation. “We find evidence in 71 of these reports, spread nationwide, that brain death could not have properly been declared. In these cases, the removal …
Apr 07
Obamacare After 12 Years: More Spending and Lower Life Expectancy
Remember the promises made by government officials to promote Obamacare? “You can keep your doctor”; “The average family would save $1,500 per year,” etc.? It was all a lie. After 12 years of Obamacare, hospital prices have increased more than three times faster than general inflation over the past two decades. As health costs have …
Apr 03
BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Attorney General William Barr ordered investigators to drop investigations into 2020 election fraud, warning them privately they were interfering with a federal investigation. Then Barr announced to the public that there was no election fraud in 2020!
We all remember the puzzling story of USPS contract truck driver Jesse Morgan, who testified under oath that on October 21, 2020 (about 10 days prior to the election), he drove a truck from Bethpage, NY to Lancaster, PA. Several things about Morgan’s trip were suspicious, so at one point Morgan opened his trailer and …
Apr 03
Germany now defines criticism of government as “hate speech” and is rounding up a hundred dissidents over anti-government posts
Berlin. The Gateway Pundit reports that The German government has begun prosecuting its citizens for thought crimes, raiding the homes of hundreds of Germans who have allegedly leveled insults against politicians online. In an effort to prosecute”criminal content” contained in over 600 statements posted on the internet, Federal Criminal police raided scores of apartments and …