Author's posts

Public High School Shuts Down “Conservative” Speech Because it “Crossed the Line”

America’s youth concentration camps , er . . . public schools, offer very little education, but provide a great deal of government-supremacist indoctrination. Facts about the relationship between capitalism and prosperity are deemed too radical to be presented to impressionable minds. Students are taught to seek all blessings from the state and its omnipotent ministers. …

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France has become anti-Muslim police state

It is unfortunate that today’s Muslim societies are authoritarian strongholds where there is little due process of law (in the Anglo-American sense). It is even more unfortunate that France–one of the great fountains of liberty over the past 1000 years–appears to be embracing an almost-Islamic level of authoritarianism, ironically aimed at suppressing the French Muslim …

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Lysander Spooner University Planning New Glacier Photography Dates

After the success of our September 2015 Glacier Research trip, we are planning new glacier photography field trips in the northern Rockies. Many people do not realize that there are hundreds of glaciers in the Rocky Mountains around Livingston, Montana. Here is a website detailing the numbers of glaciers and perennial snowfields in the Crazy, …

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Lost? Need Directions? Ask a Man

Fascinating psychological research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology suggests that male brains are better at judging directions than female brains. See here. The research involved MRI scans of brain activity.

Hatred for Wal-mart Reached a Climax in Puerto Rico

Wal-mart, America’s largest private employer and retailer, is a frequent target for those who hate markets and worship the state. Witness this “documentary” on the megaretailer, frequently shown in union halls, schools and colleges by socialist-leaning professors. Like Michael Moore’s film “Roger and Me,” its target can do nothing right. In “Roger and Me,” General …

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How Government Regulation Crushed Lysander Spooner’s American Letter Mail Company

In 1844, Lysander Spooner launched a mail company called the American Letter Mail Company. Spooner’s company competed directly with the U.S. Postal Service, delivering letters and parcels between major cities in the eastern United States at a lower price than the government’s rates. Spooner’s company had offices in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, and delivered …

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Health Care Costs Accelerating Faster

It is the dream of every truster of government: universal, government-dispensed health care, made cheaper by eliminating the profit motive from the industry. Unfortunately, it never works. Every government program which subsidizes health care simply increases demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise faster than inflation. Now, after Obamacare has come completely on line, …

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Socialist Venezuela Descends into Primitive Bartering

Socialism is a curse that should only be wished on a hated enemy. Any society that embraces it will eventually become sick and weak. The Miami Herald reports that the impoverished people of Venezuela–suffering from decades of socialist ‘rulership’–have developed a primitive bartering system to obtain basic goods.

French Government Begins Closing Mosques

So much for freedom of religion in France. For that matter, so much for the relative freedom of the western world. In the wake of the Islamist-generated terrorist attacks at a Paris heavy metal concert two weeks ago, French SWAT teams are raiding and shuttering Muslim religious facilities across France. The mosques are being shut …

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Bankrupt Greek Government Demands that Citizens Report all Jewelry, Coins, Private Cash

Are mass confiscation raids about to be unleashed in Greece? The Greek newspaper Enikonomia reported days ago that Greek taxpayers will be forced to declare all private cash held outside the banks, and all jewelry boxes containing more than 15,000 euros or gold or other metals worth over 30,000 euros. See here. The Greek government …

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