Author's posts
Dec 21
Money is Speech. And this has been Known since at least 1830
by Roger I. Roots, Founder, Lysander Spooner University Over the past few years, I have become more interested in the topic of campaign finance laws, and how such laws interfere with freedom of speech. Since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, there have been thousands of published proclamations that campaign speech freedom will bring …
Dec 21
America’s millions have produced blowback against gay rights in Africa
A lesson in unintended consequences. The New York Times has a detailed expose’ on the blowback caused by U.S. government efforts to promote tolerance for gay rights in Africa. See here (republished by MSN news). According to the report, U.S. taxpayers have been forced to spend $700 million dollars for a government program promoting gay …
Dec 20
Puerto Rico: a Case Study in How Central Planning Benefits the Ultra-Rich
Fascinating expose’ in the New York Times yesterday. “Inside the Billion-Dollar Battle for Puerto Rico’s Future” The report details how the outrageous overregulation and overspending by Puerto Rico’s “leaders” led to territorial debts which are unpayable. In turn, Puerto Rico’s “leaders” sought bailouts from the world’s richest investors, promising a 20 percent annual return for …
Dec 18
Saudi Arabia Prepares to Behead Teenager for Attending Protest
Every government that ever existed ultimately came for all freedom, al property, all money, and to kill all who resist. Saudi Arabia is preparing to behead a teenager who attended a protest rally at age 15. The teen says he didn’t even understand the nature of the protest at the time. See here. Like Joan …
Dec 17
The myth of “Austerity”: Congress Moves Forward with Monster Budget, Huffington Post Implies Congress Poised to Cut Spending
Two of the largest news aggregator sites are and Today, December 17, 2015, both sites led with headlines about the massive, record-breaking, unpaid-for federal budget that just cleared Congress. Both sites linked to the same article in, which details the impending budget. The Politico tagline is “Budget austerity takes a back seat …
Dec 17
Billings tobacco shop shuttered by government for displaying a “cigarette rolling machine”: State claims the shop is an “unlicensed cigarette manufacturer”
In case more evidence is needed that Montana “Justice Department” officials need some budget cuts, the Department has recently targeted a Billings smoke shop because the smoke shop displayed a cigarette rolling machine. See here. The State claims the display of the cigarette rolling machine–which tobacco buyers can use to roll a couple cigarettes on …
Dec 15
Wal-Mart Shares Plummet 30 % after Company Hikes Wages
Years of criticism and attacks have taken their toll on Wal-Mart. “Back in February, CEO Doug McMillon of Wal-Mart agreed to raise his company’s pay for entry-level employees to almost $9 an hour come April and up to $10 early the year after.” See here. Announcing the company’s third-quarter results in November, Mr. McMillon had …
Dec 15
Gov’t Workers ‘Absent’ 50% More Than Private-Sector Workers
A government worker is 38 percent more likely to be absent from work for personal reasons or illnesses than a private-sector worker, and government workers miss 50 percent more of their usual work hours as a result of such absences than do private sector workers, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The …
Dec 14
Billionaires are Waking to the Fact that Political Spending Makes Little Difference.
It is one of the biggest myths of modern politics: that repetitive advertising (or the spending of campaign money in general) can ensure electoral victory. Every argument of “campaign finance reformers” is false. There is no (or almost no) correlation between campaign spending and victory. Only a slight number of voters (maybe 1, 2 or …
Dec 14
“Journalists” cheer and jump wildly as Paris Climate-Change Agreement is announced
Here is amazing video of alleged journalists supposedly covering climate treaty negotiations in Paris objectively. Watch as they scream and jump for joy at the announcement! Now we know why such alleged journalists rarely report facts which undermine the government-controlled manmade-global-warming thesis.