Author's posts
Jan 22
Government again moves to ban private encryption
After the San Bernardino attacks last month, many voices suspected the episode was another false flag operation by undercover government agents. Evidence pointed to the fact, for example, that the very government buildings “attacked” (reportedly by Islamic militants) had been the focus of numerous government “drills” in the weeks prior. Now, the FBI seems to …
Jan 22
The Lesson from Flint: Never Trust Government to Deliver a Vital Good or Service
The City of Flint, Michigan–long under the political control of pro-government extremists–is now in the news for secretly supplying high-lead water to its population. Lots of political blaming and shaming. But the lesson is: Never trust government to dispense a vital commodity or service. The private sector would NEVER knowingly provide contaminated water to customers. …
Jan 21
Walmart losing millions, closing stores where minimum-wage laws are harshest
In case anyone needed further evidence that minimum-wage laws create unemployment, here is another story about Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart once had a thriving business model. It offered cheap goods at a central location. But Wal-Mart has come under attack from anti-business voices for years. In response, Wal-Mart has increased its pay rates for its labor (which …
Jan 20
Bozeman Chronicle Prints Headline Suggesting that “Coordinating” One’s Campaign with a Nonprofit Group is “Corruption”
The First Amendment protects political speech above all other forms of speech. But in Montana, there is a powerful movement of pro-government voices (not the least of which are the major newspapers) who support ever-more government control over political speech under the guise of “campaign finance regulation.” Montana politicians have been investigated by the government …
Jan 17
Odds of dying in a terrorist attack since 9/11: One in 90 million
Since 9/11/2001, the U.S. government has diverted well over A TRILLION DOLLARS from the productivity of America into government programs supposedly aimed at protecting Americans from “terrorism.” (To put this in perspective, the total output of the country–public and private sectors combined–is around $16 trillion.) Yet terrorism is a miniscule threat. An American has about …
Jan 13
The Worst Teachers in the World: Paid $70,000 Annually
The collapsing socialist city-state of Chicago is plummeting into bankruptcy, hiking taxes, and torturing its citizens at record pace. Now the public teachers of the City intend to strike! They have a median salary of $71,017 and contribute—on the high end—only 2 percent of their salaries toward their very lavish pensions. Their average salary (as …
Jan 13
More shocking revelations from Wisconsin’s political police state
The public is largely oblivious to one of the biggest scandals in recent American political history. A tale that includes midnight raids by SWAT teams, machine guns brandished in the middle of the night, secret wiretaps of internet traffic, gag orders and secret evidence–aimed at suppressing inconvenient political movements. See here. And here. As many …
Jan 12
The higher the status of an academic journal, the more likely it is that the journal publishes false “science”
More on the “fake, but peer-reviewed” front: in 2013, the “prestigious” journal, Psychological Science, published a paper supposedly finding that climate skeptics tend to have “conspiracist ideation” (whatever that means). The journal suggested that people who disbelieve the moon landing are more likely to doubt government climate claims. The “study,” by Lewandowsky, Oberauer and Gignac, …
Jan 10
Non-government health care gets cheaper and better; while government health care gets steadily more expensive
Government subsidies of health care–often enacted with claims that they “help the poor”–increase demand without increasing supply, causing prices to rise. Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, and the VA system have all INCREASED the basic costs of medical care for poor people. But there are areas of medicine that are ‘elective,’ meaning that people make choices for …