Author's posts
Mar 19
No one even knows how many federal agencies there are
Columnist Paul Driessen discusses a recent report by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, “Ten Thousand Commandments.” The report details the bone-crushing costs of federal regulations. Regulations keep business from starting. Regulations keep poor people from launching successful careers. Regulations make America poorer. See here. No one even knows how many Executive Branch agencies there are – …
Mar 17
Little Rock, Arkansas has only one taxi business because of overregulation
Governments everywhere have overregulated transportation and travel. In typical regulatory schemes, a good-ol-boy taxi service lobbies for laws that prevent competitors from starting up and competing with them. The laws are generally passed with assurances that the laws are needed to “protect the public” from dangerous, unsafe, diseased cabbies, etc. Of course, the laws create …
Mar 17
Fed Continues to Claim it is “Bipartisan” Even as its Officers Overwhelmingly Support Big-Government Political Campaigns
Central banking and big governments have long shared in something of a symbiotic relationship. Central banking allows governments to give their subjects the appearance that government is a “good deal.” By running up massive debts to central banks, governments can trick their subjects into thinking that big government is “worth it.” Modern Americans, for example, …
Mar 16
Socialist Venezuela shuts down for a week as electricity is rationed
When people are free to choose and purchase energy in free markets, there are rarely any power outages or energy shortages. The private sector can quickly scramble to profit from people’s energy needs. But in centrally planned economies like Venezuela, government picks and chooses energy sources for everyone. Government also chooses what prices will be …
Mar 13
Palace Intrigue in North Korea: Those Who Trust Government Most are the Most Likely to be Purged
Another recurring lesson for those who trust government most. It is they who will always be targeted by jealous rivals when their dreams of government power bear fruit. The history of the Soviet Union was filled with examples where the most loyal communists were– –again and again– — purged or prosecuted by government officials they …
Mar 11
Government again demands that all must be naked before the state
Every government that ever existed sought the same powers: total control over all resources, all property, all thought and speech– –and the authority to kill all who resist. Now the U.S. government- – -the president and most of the prominent members of the Senate – – are (again) seeking to enact a “law” requiring all …
Mar 10
U.S. Government Spending Hundreds of Millions on “Global Warming” Theory–Despite Lack of Congressional Authorization
‘Manmade-global-warming-by-carbon-dioxide’ is a government theory. It is a theory that supports (actually, begs for) further government expansion and control over energy and industry. Despite what the theory’s proponents claim, the theory is highly contested in scientific circles. Yet ‘the science is settled’ among government circles. And among those who trust government. The U.S. government is …
Mar 08
Global Warmists’ Theory that Fossil-Fuel interests are entirely responsible for climate skepticism is based on “one sentence in one memo”
Columnist Brian McNicoll nails the claim among government-trusters that skepticism of the government’s manmade-global-warming theory is all funded by energy companies. See here. The entire body of proof of this great conspiracy . . . comes down to one sentence in one memo written in support of a PR campaign by the coal industry that …
Mar 06
D.C. Police raid homes based on little or no evidence
American criminal justice has collapsed. Decades of pro-government rulings by the courts have opened the door to wholesale violations of basic protections by unaccountable police. Now the Washington Post — -which generally trumpets the claims of the government — –has finally taken notice of the practice of police raiding homes armed with “search warrants” based …
Mar 06
Government welfare policies have greatly harmed the poor
Here is a Reason Magazine interview regarding a new study of the impacts of welfare on poor people. Since the 1970s, welfare policies have made poor people poorer; mostly by incentivizng poor people not to work or better themselves.