Author's posts

Was the Civil Rights Movement a Struggle for More Government?

Trusters of expansive, intrusive government have spread the notion that the Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s were struggles for more government. In fact, the Civil Rights movement was a guerilla, libertarian victory over socialism and government supremacy. When Civil Rights icon Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white bus passenger …

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NASA again caught faking climate data: this time the Agency has altered sea level figures

Again, the tireless data analyst Tony Heller (Steven Goddard) has found that NASA is altering climate figures to help the government promote its global-warming-hysteria agenda. See here. In 1983, the pro-government climate hysteric James Hansen (considered one of the founding fathers of the manmade-global-warming-hysteria movement) published data showing the seas were rising. But NASA must …

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The reality of socialism: Hugo Chavez’ daughter is worth $4 billion in a nation of starving slaves

Socialists promise equality but deliver slavery, impoverishment, poverty and heartbreak. Gavin McInnes writes about attending a recent rally for socialist Bernie Sanders. The brain-dead attendants all expect the impossible. McInnes writes about Venezuela, where the late Hugo Chavez imposed a vast socialist remake for his impoverished and long-suffering subjects. After 20 years of socialism, Venezuelans …

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Government ice measurement agency caught altering measurements to make 5-year-old ice appear to be at “its smallest level” ever recorded

Tony Heller, the dogged data analyst who blogs as Steven Goddard, has previously caught the NSIDC (National Snow and Ice Data Center) cheating, just as Arctic sea ice extent was about to cross above the 1979-2000 average. The NSIDC changed their measurement system to hide the fact that Arctic ice was growing to above-average levels. …

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Nearly 900 Superfund sites are abandoned military facilities

Think capitalism harms the environment and more government would cure the problem? Karen De Coster of writes that most of the worst environmental disasters in America are attributable to the government. See here. According to a 2010 federal report, nearly 900 Superfund sites in the U.S. are abandoned military facilities or facilities that provided …

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‘Peer Review’ has Collapsed as a Tool for Ensuring the Validity of Science

With so much government money flowing into ‘top-tier’ research universities, the peer-review process has virtually collapsed. More observers are wakening to the fact that the ‘science’ which appears in high-level scholarly journals tends to favor government positions. William A. Wilson, in an article entitled “Scientific Redress” in the current issue of First Things (see here) …

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91 % of Florida Atlantic University students vote for resolution expanding ‘free speech zone’ to the entire campus

Socialists, elitists and government supremacists have turned America’s colleges into dens of pro-government sentiment and ideological discrimination. Throughout the past 25 years, hundreds of colleges have imposed ‘free speech zones’ to limit anti-government speech and thought. Now the student body at Florida Atlantic University (with 91 % student support) has voted to restore freedom of …

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American businesses are in decline due to overregulation

Trusters of government have been pouring on regulations since the 1990s. Here is a Washington Post story about the decline of American entrepreneurship. Fewer business are launching. More are leaving, liquidating or dying. The average age of businesses is getting older (as young people stop starting businesses due to onerous licensing requirements). Thus, the efforts …

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More sad news for Venezuela: Government to ration electrical power

Venezuela, a South American country with dynamic people and the world’s largest proven oil reserves, has suffered under the curse of socialism for two decades. After the Venezuelan government took a hard-line turn toward socialism in the 1990s, the government took over most industries. Now the government of the oil-rich nation can’t provide enough electricity …

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Federal employees get 8 paid weeks off per year

Federal “workers” are generally paid 1-1/2 to 2 times what workers in the private sector are paid for the same type of work. Yet this fact greatly understates the luxury, power and security of federal employment. Private employees are lucky to have 2 weeks of paid vacation per year. Federal workers with seniority get more …

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