A new Gallup poll is out. As governments have grown increasingly large and powerful, Americans have cited government as the biggest problem in their lives for two consecutive years.
2019 archive
Oct 20
Australian government is at war with free press
Australian papers are uniting to produce stories this week with most of their content redacted. The plan is in response to recent raids and assaults on the press by the Australian government. The government has imposed increasing “national security” restrictions on the press in recent years. Last year a court order prevented media from reporting …
Oct 17
Bundy paralegal Rick Koerber sentenced to 14 years in federal puppet show hearing
Salt Lake City. October 15. Anti-Government News Bureau. The immense power of the federal justice department was on display as “the Free Capitalist,” Rick Koerber, received his sentence on Tuesday. Rick Koerber rose to prominence throughout the early 2000s as a libertarian radio host and investment guru. Rick educated thousands around the American west. But …
Oct 11
Remember those claims that government had to take over the internet to ensure equal access? California’s PG&E just showed why “Net Neutrality” is a bad idea
Shortly after the development of electricity as a viable means of household energy, governments sought to regulate it. Soon every state required electricity providers to get permission from “public utility” commissions. Then came government control over pricing, profits and implementation. Today’s electrical companies are essentially monopolies—with government licenses. Later studies debunked the government arguments—too late. …
Oct 06
Ecuador government begins arresting shopkeepers for price increases
In a free market, rapid price increases are quickly fixed by suppliers who, seeking quick profits, hurriedly get more product to market. This growth in supply then leads to rapid reductions in prices. A sure way to ENSURE that consumers will be deprived of plentiful, cheap goods, on the other hand, is for governments to …
Oct 04
Remember that professor who mocked academia by publishing preposterous joke “studies” in peer-reviewed journals? He is now being fired by Portland State University
Contemporary higher education is suffering a crisis of legitimacy. Government funding and bias have so corrupted it that larger and larger proportions of society view modern universities as unnecessary overfunded wastelands of government propaganda. A recent Pew Research poll found that only half of all Americans now have a positive view of colleges and universities …
Oct 03
Worldwide, scientists who disagree with climate doomsday messaging are attacked, fired, defunded and ostracized
Tony Heller documents numerous cases where expert scientists who disagree with governments’ theory of manmade apocalyptic global warming are fired from their positions, stripped of support and funding, and violently attacked. “This is how “consensus” is maintained – through the same thuggery used to silence Galileo hundreds of years ago. A return to the Dark …
Oct 01
Pentagon price negotiator who saved taxpayers billions is abruptly fired
Lobbyists for so-called U.S. “defense” contractors often live lavish lifestyles. Many have mansions in Maryland or Virginia with swimming pools and iron gates. The billions spent on government defense and intelligence generates powerful forces in Washington. Now Yahoo News is out with a report that the Pentagon official who saved taxpayers billions of dollars on …
Oct 01
Hong Kong government fires live rounds at protesters
Governments worldwide equate anti-government protests with violent military assaults. (The same governments will often treat pro-government protests with gentle reactions (or even support); witness the treatment in the U.S. of recent “climate strike” protesters–many of whom were openly allowed to be absent from government schools.) In many cases, governments will position dozens of armored troops …