Glaciers Appear to be Growing, not Melting in Recent Years By Roger I. Roots, J.D., Ph.D., Founder, Lysander Spooner University May 30, 2019. St. Mary, Montana. Officials at Glacier National Park (GNP) have begun quietly removing and altering signs and government literature which told visitors that the Park’s glaciers were all expected to disappear by …
2019 archive
Jun 03
Virginia Beach: Another enraged government employee kills over a dozen people
Privileged, highly paid government authorities with boundless authority continue their mass-murder rampages. Over the past several years thousands of Americans have been murdered by government workers or retired government workers, who view violence against their fellow man as a privilege of governmental authority. Government employees are now the wealthiest class in American society, surpassing private …
May 21
The Guardian Newspaper announces new “style guide”: reporters must write hysterically about the climate
On May 17, The Guardian announced a new “style guide” for its reporters writing on climate-related issues. The Guardian claims it “updated its style guide to introduce terms that more accurately describe the environmental crises facing the world. Instead of “climate change” the preferred terms are “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown” and “global heating” is …
May 17
Illinois legislators introduce bill to charge electric car owners $1,000 annually
Socialist Illinois imposes some of the highest taxes in the country (and the world), but can’t pay its obligations. Illinois government employees live like royals among peasants. More than 30,000 State teachers make six figures or more annually–for just nine months work. Presently the State University system spends more on RETIRED employee pensions than on …
May 16
Half of Americans are one paycheck from financial disaster
Government policies such as progressive income taxation, central banking and Social Security aggressively punish savers. And year after year, Americans reluctantly submit by saving nothing and investing very little. Now a new Marketwatch report shows that 50 percent or more of Americans are just one paycheck away from serious financial disaster. Roughly two-thirds of households …
May 12
Government workers are now America’s richest class
Government employees are now America’s richest class. On average, they make more money than self-employed business owners or private-sector workers. New data shows what everyone has long suspected: Government “workers” have the highest median ‘earnings’ among all full-time, year-round American workers.” “According to the Census Bureau’s Personal Income Table 07 (PINC-07), the competition isn’t close. …
May 07
Shock poll: new “Brexit Party” is most popular in European Union
The European Union (EU) was built by a small minority of elites, deep-state billionaires, Bilderbergers and fanatical government trusters. Nowhere did any European voters vote to place themselves under the control of a pan-European government. Elites and government trusters demean anyone who supports leaving the EU as an uninformed bigot. Two years ago when Brits …
May 07
Almost a thousand California prisoners overdosed on drugs in 2018
Many people and politicians seem to crave a prisonization of daily life. As western history develops, government authority has grown almost constantly. Now people in most western countries need government permission to perform most well-paying jobs, to travel in any direction or way that matters, or to otherwise progress through their lives. But a new …
May 07
Government drinking water poisons millions across all 50 states
“While a harsh national spotlight focuses on the drinking water crisis in Flint, Mich., a USA TODAY NETWORK investigation has identified almost 2,000 additional water systems spanning all 50 states where testing has shown excessive levels of lead contamination over the past four years.” See here. Most Americans say they want less government and more …
May 02
More efforts to blacklist news sources which question government as “unreliable”
Recent scholarship has found that the most prominent ‘fact-checking’ and ‘news-checking’ organizations tend to label news sources which are skeptical of governments as ‘fake news’ or ‘unreliable.’ Now the ‘journalism institute’ Poynter has blacklisted more than 29 popular Conservative Outlets as ‘UnNews’ Poynter, which has started the “International Fact-Checking Network,” shared the new report and …