[Exact time and place to be announced. WE’RE WORKING ON IT!!] Speakers Include: K.C. Blunt: American urban survivalist “Knife Fighting for Personal and Home Defense” (with demonstration of knife-fighting techniques and skills) Michael Elliott: Las Vegas Freedom Activist “Good Citizens are the Worst Citizens: The Losing Strategy of Compliance” Bryon Watkins Correctional Officer turned Prisoner, …
2019 archive
Dec 29
An average worker pays $216,000 into Social Security and receives about $300,000 after retirement. This is a 1 % return on investment.
Learn Liberty calculated average likely “returns on investment” upon retirement from Social Security. The Social Security program was launched by the U.S. government during the 1930s with millions of dollars of pro-government propaganda. (Criticism of the program within the federal government was censored.) During the 1980s, Harvard economist Martin Feldstein found that Social Security DECREASED …
Dec 29
Taxes and government force Hawaiians to flee
From the Wall Street Journal: “Despite being consistently rated as the “happiest state” in the nation, Hawaii is experiencing its third straight year of negative migration. Some 35,000 residents moved to the mainland from 2015-18.” “At 11% the state’s top marginal income-tax rate is second only to California’s. A 2018 study by the Institute on …
Dec 28
Socialist Baltimore sets all-time homicide record
Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure. Get ready for some astounding statistics: Murder rates have generally declined across America since the 1990s. But one city—Baltimore—has set its all-time per capita homicide rate in 2019. Newspapers ponder the cause. It isn’t population density. Baltimore has LOST population since the 1980s as its most …
Dec 28
Government agencies caught fabricating sea level rise
Government agencies have been caught hundreds of times ‘adjusting’ temperature records to make the past seem colder than it was measured by thermometers. This makes the present seem warmer by comparison and supports governments’ arguments that governments must become more powerful to “do something” about the alleged problem. Now a peer-reviewed paper in Earth Systems …
Dec 24
Government regulations are stifling new home construction. As a result, homelessness, wealth inequality and commute times are all increasing.
A new report in Reason Magazine documents the way government impositions everywhere decreased the rate of housing construction in the U.S. during the past decade. “The 2010s will end up with the lowest number of housing units started in 6 decades, by a wide margin.” This is causing (1) home prices and rents to increase–especially …
Dec 23
Grover Norquist asked every Republican to sign a pledge not to ever raise taxes. Government trusters responded by labeling Norquist an “Islamist.”
All is fair in love and war, it is said. Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) was founded by Grover Norquist in 1985. Norquist’s mission was to ask politicians—especially Republican politicians—to sign a pledge that they would always oppose all tax increases. Those who refused to sign were generally defeated in Republican primaries by those who …
Dec 22
National Security coverage on MSNBC and CNN is entirely controlled by government agencies
From the beginning of the FISA Court, critics predicted it would become an embarrassment. New revelations show this was an understatement Libertarian journalist and civil rights activist Glenn Greenwald dismantles the recent Inspector General report in The Intercept. According to the IG report, the FBI routinely cuts corners in its FISA Court pleadings. Moreover, the …
Dec 20
Millionaire Michigan Troopers rake in $400,000 ‘pensions’ (on top of their salaries) WHILE WORKING
Government “workers” nationwide are often enriched by schemes which allow them to “double dip”: getting “retirement” pensions from one agency even as they “work” for another agency. Now a report finds that senior Michigan State Troopers are collecting as much as $400,000 from THEIR OWN agency ON TOP of their pay. Dozens of Michigan State …
Dec 19
California enacts law against “gig” work in September; hundreds of jobs are lost by December
The American “labor movement” began by spreading awareness of worker health and safety, low wages, and long hours. Today the “movement” is a government-controlled racket typified by pro-government extremism and anti-capitalist ideology. The recent rise of digital communications led to ride-sharing and other “gig” work—which improved the lives of everyone involved. But government views this …