Government-funded climate “science” is more about politics and religious faith than about subjecting scientific hypotheses to rigorous testing or analysis. Now one of the America’s most obnoxious and government-funded “climate scientists”–Michael E. Mann of Penn State–is cheerleading for a boycott by government-trusters against the New York Times. The New York Times, according to Mann, has …
April 2017 archive
Apr 25
New CIA director declares war on free speech rather than on actual adversaries of the United States
The Washington Post has published an essay by the courageous Julian Assange about Mike Pompeo, the new director of the CIA. In “his first speech as director of the CIA,” according to Assange, Pompeo “chose to declare war on free speech rather than on the United States’ actual adversaries.” See here. Pompeo described WikiLeaks as …
Apr 20
Pro-government “news” sources continue to plummet in readership and impact
Facebook and other government-supported media forums are plummeting in readership. Here is a report indicating that some online publishers are losing impact from Facebook promotions. After Facebook launched its “fake news” elimination efforts two months ago (to aid the government in obscuring nongovernmental-approved content) readers have sought info from other sources. Matt Drudge’s influential “” …
Apr 20
Venezuelans–formerly the wealthiest people in South America–are now too starving and poor to protest their socialist government
In just 20 years, socialism and government central planning raped and robbed the people of Venezuela of their rights, their wealth and their dignity. During the early 1990s, Venezuelans were the wealthiest people in South America. Their market economy thrived and exported oil and other goods throughout the world. Then the people voted for socialism …
Apr 19
Socialist California leads the nation in pollution
Socialism pollutes and degrades the environment; while capitalism tends to clean the environment. Look at East Germany versus West Germany. Or North Korea versus South Korea. Or look at California, with its massive regulations, taxation, central planning and “environmental” laws. 6 of America’s 10 most polluted cities are in California. See here.
Apr 19 wins small victory over unlawfull FBI surveillance is a courageous small news website dedicated to noninterventionism. Since 1995 it has published a wide variety of antiwar news items, columns and interviews. is generally libertarian rather than socialist, as so many antiwar movements have been in the past. Around 2012, was the victim of a hack attack. The producers reported …
Apr 18
Phillippines police squads have killed hundreds; staged false-flag crime scenes
In the Philippines, two police whistle blowers have come forward to report that police unites have received cash payments for executing drug suspects, planted evidence at crime scenes and carried out most of the killings they have long blamed on vigilantes. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook See here.
Apr 16
San Diego spikes minimum wage; 4,000 restaurant jobs lost almost immediately
When the price of any commodity rises, demand falls. This iron law of economics applies even to labor. Advocates of minimum wage laws (which allow government rather than the market to set wages) believe in a fantasy: that when politicians order wages to increase they are helping poor people. The reality is precisely the opposite. …
Apr 14
Update: New speakers at Upcoming Las Vegas conference! Saturday, April 15, 2017
We have very alarming news to report regarding Ken Medenbach, our scheduled keynote speaker for April 15. Medenbach traveled to Nevada to watch the federal Bundy trial and to speak at Lysander Spooner University’s upcoming symposium. Ken is the world’s foremost authority on the history of judicial oaths and judicial review. Unfortunately, Ken was arrested …
Apr 09
Government versus Freedom: Scholars Confront Tyranny, April 15 at the West Las Vegas Public Library
FREEDOM VERSUS GOVERNMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2017 Scholars Confront Tyranny Join us for a star-studded symposium at the West Las Vegas Public Library, 951 W Lake Mead Blvd, 1:00-4:00 pm. Auctions, book-signings, trivia, and more! Call Roger at 406-224-3105 for more info!
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