Every tyrant, king, president, czar or prime minister has always dreamed of having omnipotent power to snuff out criticism or critical journalism. Now there is a report that Hillary Clinton, as U.S. Secretary of State, thought seriously about killing Julian Assange (founder of the website Wikilieaks, which has exposed massive government corruption) by a drone …
October 2016 archive
Oct 02
Government appears to be helping cover up the risks of donating kidneys
Interesting (and courageous) essay by medical student Michael Poulson in the Washington Post. At age 18, Poulson donated a kidney. Like almost everything in American life, organ donation is overregulated by the government. The government imposes a ‘list’ system and criminalizes any selling of organs or other profit-potential ventures which might unleash innovation. And, it …
Oct 02
Minnesota medical insurance poised to skyrocket in cost
The “Affordable Care Act” was enacted by Congress in 2010 with claims that it would bring average savings of $2,500 per year per household. It has actually caused health care prices to explode faster than Medicare and Medicaid did. In Minnesota, average premium prices are set to increase by 50 % to 67% in 2017. …
Oct 02
U.S. “Defense Department” spent at least a half billion dollars to create fake al-queda videos
Governments worldwide have always sought to control the message. In recent years, a fake “grass roots” movement to give government more control over election ads has arisen, calling itself the “campaign finance reform” movement. This while government agencies spend hundreds of millions annually on ads, messages and propaganda (on top of all the other ways …